Wednesday, July 29, 2020

FICTION: A King for Quito, Part Four: NEDA

A King for Quito
Part Four: NEDA
The same year Neda was born, the Bi-Centenary of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was held throughout the world; but when she grew up, she had no memory of the events. Still, she had been told so often how important it was, she kept the photos with her, and carefully transferred them to each new computer.
She remembered forever when she and Alberto (Amir)went to theEcuadorian space port, boarded the shuttle and took off on their honeymoon. They brought gifts of wood paneling, tea, and Ecuadorian chocolate; and they packed their swimming suits for the low-gravity pool.
The enormous space-port included pads for vertical launches and runways for the ram-jet space-planes and shuttles. Plans were carefully being considered for a space-elevator, which would be a ribbon of carbon, stretching from an orbital station to a locked position on the ground, flung out continuously by the equatorial centrifugal forces.
The administrators hurried them away from the media cameras, and loaded them on to the sleek blue and white shuttle. It took off like a conventional aircraft, but continued mounting higher and higher, out over the Pacific, until the ramjets kicked in, and the blue atmosphere gave way to black void.
After a period of adjustments in orbit, which took longer than the climb up, they docked with the orbital station from which the lunar lander would launch. They made their way through the station, obeying the directives of the operatives, and eventually settled themselves into the Lander, for the 36 hour flight.
Upon arrival, the lander was moved by machines from the spot of touch-down into a sub-lunar hangar, into which they emerged, and moved to their quarters in the tunnels leading away from the port.

In the “morning”, after their honey-moon night, they were taken out on the surface during the lunar night, in pressure suits, for the view of Earth.
They stood outside the air-lock, watching the silt slowly settling from any movement they made, and looked up at beautiful blue Terra.Neda knew how the kings had encouraged not only the space port, but started schools whenever possible, to invite and encourage the capable students of Ecuador to come forward in the space service. Neda’s heart told her:
Help protect the human race to develop into space.
When they returned to Earth, they flew like a peregrines to the Holy Land, to Haifa and Akka, on a special pilgrimage. It was late February, during the annual Ayyám-i-Há festival, before the nineteen day period of the Fast. Since Bahá’u’lláh had called Haifa Arz-i-(Land of ) the pilgrims considerably enjoyed the double reference, because the letter Há stood for Hovalláh  (He is God!) and Háhút, (the Essence of God), in the City of God.
Joining with many other  Bahá’í Heads of State, she ascended “Jacob’s Ladder,” the stairway to heaven,” to the Throne of the Most High, on Mount Carmel, secretly desiring to be an ascending angel,feeling the angelic heritage coming down, and sowing it in the soil of humanity.
Eagerly they ascended the stairway to the Throne that Jacob had dreamed of over four thousand years before. Flowering plants and trees flourished on all sides in the Bahá’í Gardens. The delicate lavender and red bougainvillea’s attracted her. When she reached the level where the Shrine of theb itself rested, she took time to catch her breath, but it seemed to be stolen again from her. She was in the Presence of the Lord Himself! She could read the sacred Arabic inscriptions that had been engraved on the panels around the Shrine, which had remained so long strangely blank. Some of the words were difficult, but she could sound them out. Then, she removed the thin gold band she wore, in her hair, as heir to the throne of Ecuador, and tossed it, with symbolic abandon, onto the pile with the rest of the crowns. Thenshe carefully removed her shoes and set them neatly next to all the rest, before filing into the fragrant sanctuary to pray.
The large Persian carpet covered the floor. A dome-shaped aperture appeared in the far wall, and beyond, another chamber with Persian carpet and candelabra. The memory of this devotion to Bahá’u’lláh, the Holy One of Israel, before she obtained the crown, bode very well with her after she obtained the crown.
When she and Amir emerged, the sun was glittering on the sea, at the foot of the mountain, and the blossoms of frangipani and palms waved in the breeze. The white walls and red rooves of the “Templar colony” were beautiful with the various greens of the verdure, and the blue of the sea. At the pilgrim center, they were met by the members of the Universal House of Justice. Together, the crowd moved up to the white Mashriqu’l-Azkar, on the crest of the mountain. A youth with a heavenly voice chanted the Arabic prayers, and caused their hearts to fly up even higher, as they pondered their position socially and geographically and spiritually.
Reading a flyer at hand, she came across the passage from the Master, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Thousands of Mashriqu'l-Adhkars, dawning points of praise and mention of God for all religionists will be built in the East and in the West…” All these, because of the first Temple Himself, and the dhikr of Bahá’u’lláh.
From there, they moved toward the specially designated auditorium where the affairs of the Bahá’íCommonwealth were discussed, and carefully consulted upon, with tea and wafers.More and more countries raised their faces to the guidance of the Universal House of Justice. Kings and Presidents within the Bahá’íCommonwealth concentrated on spiritualizing the curriculum of their schools and obliterating every form of prejudice and superstition with friendliness and hospitality. To guarantee benevolent statesmanship into the future, an institute was conceived, to be built on the West Bank, to train diplomats so that raw ambition would no longer be the motivation.  Those pompous kings who resisted the Oneness, and built up their armaments again. And their successorswere vetted and were not allowed to begin ruling, unless they had sterling reputations and intentions. Wise men and women were deterring humanity from a course beyond our ability to overcome. The God-born Force now ruled in the world; it was greater than nations, but as humble as the Earth.
More conclaves of Kings were planned to assist in the impact of the divine heat on the “worms” of the world, those individuals and communities anchored in prejudice and blind to the dawning divine civilization. The leaders of the American regions stood in unison for unity and peace and continued disarmament. Atheists could not stop the City of God. It seemed suspicious to them. It was “too good to be true”and there had to be a corrupt core; but there was no corrupt core. As they were suspicious of God, God would be suspicious of them in the next world.
The logic of coming under the aegis of the benign, and benevolent Bahá’íCommonwealth became more and more a certainty. The humble kings continually mingled with the weakest, lowest levels of society, seeking the children of capacity, and supporting just causes, establishing centers of learning, moral discretion, teaching of Hope and Fear with stories-when they are relevant, admonishing the rich with pressure when they are careless, and rewarding them when they show benevolence. Establishing the honor due to Virtues, loving kindness, and tender compassion towards Gaia Earth dominatedthe curricula. Then came study of the universal script. This had a cumulative effect.
When people flattened themselves to the new kings, they were obliged to say: “Don’t do that! Do you think I am some pharaoh? Bow down only to the Lord God in private prayer, and never again embarrass your king in public!”Many of the honest and sincere Heads of State had such experiences.
The ruler of Western America had the ‘’talking stick” and passed it with humor and love to Neda, who spoke in turn:
“I am happy to be on our Gaia Earth, Pachamama, and to be alive at this time! What a wonderful age this truly is! Out of tragedy, truce and truth! Wise Rule became a tradition in our family, and schools are still constantly striving to create states closer to perfection, in the hearts, in the home and in the community. Departments dedicated to Statesmanship have sworn that never again will the world be vulnerable to the caprices of uneducated, over-ambitious, selfish tyrants, who cared for no one but themselves. The fostering of justice is possible, and it can go hand-in-hand with balanced progress.”
It was concluded that a distinctive university was be founded on land near the Jordan River, that it would have an institute for philosophical studies, an academy for training heads of state, the holding of events and labors of positive result, and the training of body-guards and lawmen, who went out to serve from a spiritual orientation, with understanding of protection from the forces of darkness and employment of the God-born Force.  Other departments would also combine the pursuits of science and religion.
The first child born to Amir and Neda was a daughter they named Venus (pronounced VAY-nus). Later, a sister for her was born and was named Oranus (pronounced OR-a-nus). These two girls were very fortunate, because they wereclose with their mother all their lives, and were prepared to continue learning. So, when Neda’s father was shot on the stairs at Baños, it was only natural that the girls would be her allies in her dream to strike back at the illness that motivated the terrorists. And when she became Queen of el ecuador, they were her constant counsel.All the mamas of Jamime’saylluhad more children, but their stories do not come into this account. But Neda had her two teenagers when she assumed the throne.
Leo the King was horribly slain by the persistent haters, and slept with his ancestors, yet flew with his friends, in Malakut-i-Abhá. It changed everything for the women in his family. Something arose in them that made them determined to put away much of the indigenous tradition to be quiet, to be submissive, to be self-effacing.
All her life had been blessed with peace, and full of the light of education and service. Until the assassination, she had always sought to be with her father when he travelled to different cities. Her memories of him, were filled with unquestioned confidence and faith, even in those last few weeks of terror. Her mother Ana, so tightly bound to Leo romantically, had also died within the year, sadly hoping to dance again with Leo in the Beyond.
Neda had grown up in the extended Rumiñawi ayllu, under the aegis of Leo’s mature approach to the corona. But there was a story of Jaime’s father,José Rumiñawi,that had been re-told many times in the family, and it went like this:
It was a still, mild night and Josénever tired of the sweetness of the Andean evenings. Elena and Jaime were not at home. The windows and the back door were open. There was no car in the driveway because someone had borrowed it.
He had turned off the lights and was enjoying the peace and quiet –his thoughts reaching the rarified level they did sometimes, when it was like this. He was not consciously baiting a thief. But it was then that the thief came.
José saw a movement, and a man crawled over the old mud wall. He paused and looked around and adjusted a shoulder bag with a long cloth strap.
José went into a silent crouch, the hunter’s stance. At last! He peeked over the window sill enough to see the intruder scurrying towards the house. As quickly as he could José secreted himself in the shadowed niche between the stove and the corner, and threw a poncho and a blanket over himself.
When the thief entered the house, he made straight for the radio on the table and unplugged it. José could see his face. He smiled and mumbled something to himself, and placed it into his bag. As his attention was in the bag, Jose was on him like a tiger, startling him badly.
Jose was ready. He had waited. Now, he exulted while they struggled.
“Did you like the radio so much? Huh? Did you think you needed it more than me?” He twisted the man’s arm behind him till he squealed. “Huh?” he hollered, like hammer blows. “Huh?”
After studying the swarthy man’s face closely, he hissed through his teeth with terrible fury, “Now. I want you to Put. That. Radio. Back. Where. You. FOUND. IT!” And he screamed FOUND IT, with such anger, as loudly as he could, right in the man’s ear, that the unlucky thief gurgled “aa-AGH” in despair.
With his arm still wrenched behind him, Jose forced him to a drawer where he had stored plastic cable ties for just this thing. Then, his captor pushed him over to the table and repeated in a tone as sharp as icicles in Iceland, “NOW! Put. That. Radio. Back. Where. You FOUND IT!”
With his flailing free arm, he took the bag up and fumbled into it, and pulled the radio out, and set it on the table. “Now, plug it in!” José commanded, giving him a bit more room to move. He plugged it in. Then, Jose quickly threw him on his face again, knocking the breath out of him. “Hoo-of!” José grabbed the free arm and brought it around behind and connected to two ends of the cable tie. Backing up somewhat he did the same to the ankles; and he felt like a gaucho on a calf; and waited for the police to come.

In its own way, this story taught her how to face her national responsibilities, and the tradition of thefriendly home life Jaime had established.Leo and her mother Ana, had carried that forward; but both were now tragically gone from the world. Neda had, from the beginning, a light upon her brow. It could not be concealed.
But the horror of the last weeks of her dear father’s life altered her distinctly. She was no less loving; but she had become determined and somber. After the cheerfulness she had shown previously, it was apparent to everyone who knew her, that she was driven by something. The nation as a whole began to hear of her vision; and she succeeded in touching them deeply.
She gathered her two daughters to her and drew on those fountains of inspiration which had been built into her. “You have never been bullied. But I want you to always remember to defend someone if they are a victim of bullying, or any injustice.”
Her heart was shattered. No longer would she walk with her tall, good father, watching his love for the people express itself. She found something deep within her Kichwa heritage that came to the surface. With this white-hot hope, she wanted to respond by starting something that would go on long after her.
She found healing in being with the children, who conveyed an uncanny understanding of her vision which sustained her. She showed such love to everyone’s’ children that the other mothers would look wonderingly at each other.
Neda was always known as a lady of great wisdom and sagacity. Because her name meant “Call” in Persian, this emboldened her to continue the divine Call. She delighted in associating with the lowly in the land; and she was adored by the people. It can be said that few have been so well prepared for the throne as Neda. She made herself the best qualified to rule. She always knew it was in her future; but destiny made her wait patiently for it, -when Jaime had not even expected it!
Now, at the age of thirty-nine, in the year 2160 C.E., or 316 B.E., Neda “assumed the throne” -although no one had bothered, or would ever bother, to make such an elaborate thing for her to sit in. She pulled up her own chair. There was no time for Ecuador’s rulers to sit pompously on an actual throne. There was always a task, a reunion, a party, a meeting, or an event, and she wouldnot be enslaved by frivolous traditions.
Neda Rumiñawi Shirazí, Queen in Quito, having given her heart to the Lord of the Age, and to her Persian love Alberto, still happily married after twenty years, and devoted to the people of Ecuador and the planet, - arose to beautify, even more, thefirdaws (paradise) that she dreamed Gaia Earth could be.
Her first step was to show by example what she intended, no matter how long it took. She sought out a martial arts dojo, where she could quietly begin training. Before long Venus and Oranus wanted to join her. Putting their anakos aside, they assumed the warm-ups everyone else wore; and Instead of allowing themselves to become stout from too much starch, they monitored their diets more closely until they became lean and muscular, energetic and confident.
During this time, she began gathering information from the internet about Jedda, about martial arts for women there. When there wasn’t much to find, she searched for available property that could be acquired and made into a dojo.
Then she gathered more information about qualified instructors, both men and women, and laid her plans for a modest dojo. A place was built on open land, on the north side of the city, close to the coast. A structure both simple and strong was raised, unassuming on the exterior, forty feet by forty feet inside, with a double door, and windows around the sides, set high in the walls. Athletic mats were acquired,a lunch room equipped, and a schedule of training initiated.
Amír had been supportive in all of this. His Arabic was much better than the basics that had been taught in Quito. He acted as translator. He undertook the training regimen. When they decided to go to Arabia and witness the progress of the work, Venus wanted to accompany them.
“I’m old enough to go and you know it!” she asserted forcefully.
“You will certainly be part of it,” her mother assured her. “But for this trip, I want you to stay and ‘cover for me’ as best you can.”
Neda and Amír undertook the unadvertised “vacation” to witness the work and meet the sensei, who had been there for several days already. He was a dour Japanese man named Bunji Hiromitsu. Bunji said little but listened much. He was hard as a rock, vigilant and fearless. When he did speak, it was surprisingly gentle. Even Amír was impressed with his considerate manners.
Neda sat down and examined the man’s face and hands closely, yet in a friendly manner. He was also studying her. Frankly, she confided in him, and told her story personally.
“I realize” she said, “it may seem out of place for an indigenous woman, a head of state, to pursue such a vision. But what do you think of it?”
“There is something else you must tell me.” he said smiled.
She paused, considering this carefully.
“I understand your family studies the Arabic” he prompted.
“Yes. It is a natural result of hunger for the Lord Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings!”
“And what is the name of power, in that language, that He gave you that will be your greatest motivation in your vision’s fulfillment?”
“Alláh-u-Abhá!” she said, clearly pleased at his perspicacity.
“Ah.“Alláh-u-Abhá!” he repeated carefully. “Now we may proceed confidently.  You want to raise up karatekas, who are also Bahá'ís, and forge a new path here in Jedda!”
“Yes!” she replied with deep joy.
Out of tragedy, truce and truth!” said Bunji-san.
Now, suddenly Neda hurriedly bowed and came at Bunji-san with swift aggressive lows. But he gave her immediate defense, smiling minimally, and gracefully deflecting all her blows. Her desire to test him morphed into him testing her.
With a sigh of great relief, Neda backed off and bowed curtly. She and Amír knew they had found the man who could help them implement their plan. They were not just founding a dojo for women.
Over the next month, Amír and Neda trained steadily with sensei Bunji Hiromitsu. His subtle mind and courtly manners conveyed, in a fine style and with beautiful tokens, his respect for their mission. A modest effort was made by word of mouth to meet women who wanted both physical practice and social change. Because of their personal inquiries, fourteen women came to the first scheduled meeting, at the dojo.
The three organizers stood in a row at the front, clothed in their karate gis.
Sensei Bunji had them form two rows and spoke briefly about karate’s codes.
Then, Neda began to softly explainher vision as well as she could, in English, since most of them understood it. When necessary Amír translated into Arabic.
“You know that my father Leo, the king of Ecuador before me, was killed by assassins. I learned that the shooter was from here in Jedda. I became certain that if I began a new enterprise for women like you, I would be successful. Now, I want to form a very important core group. Perhaps you will dedicate yourself to it. Perhaps you will not. But this group will grow, I am sure of it.
“Later, there will be a group for men.It is so important that we all operate together as one body. All the strengths we have, the talents and traditions, and the wisdom we have can be brought to this enterprise. This training and wisdom, stored up over the ages, is like the seeds that were protected in underground vaults against catastrophe. We must bring together all the good aspects of continuing deep education, meditation, silent retreats into Nature, vision quests, research, journaling, physical and mental energy practices like Sensei Bunji’s Karate, Yoga, Qi Gong, as well as inter-ethnic friendships, abolition of residual race prejudices, equal rights for women, and language studies. I am looking for those who want a cause they can dedicate themselves to.
“We want to raise up women rainbow warriors!We will work with the Indigenous around the world, who are trying to preserve the resources. We willprepare ourselves to be defenders of justice. This idea of defending justice is more than just karate. If you feel it is too much, you may leave now, and we will not be upset at all. This is not just karate training. We will foster continuing spiritual education.”
She paused again when she saw the interest obvious in some faces, and doubt in others. She knew that because she was Queen of Ecuador, there would be the novelty factor. She nodded and prayed that her words would sink in.Amír leaned over to her and whispered “Tell them the story of ‘Alí ibn Abu-Talib who was hit in the leg by a poisonous arrow in battle.” She told him to tell them.
 “…He was in too much pain to allow them to remove it. The Prophet told them to wait until his concentration was engaged during the prayer. When he prayed his concentration was total. They waited for him to prostrate himself and quickly removed the arrow. That is the degree of concentration that we intend to strive for here.”
“We also cherish utter devotion to Bahá’u’lláh, the Lord of the Age,” said Neda, resuming her outline of goals. Some of the faces expressed puzzlement or disgust.
“If this is a stumbling block for you, you are free to go. But, if you want to stay and keep your own creed, and still do the other personal work, you are welcome. We want to follow a path that leads us closer and closer to harmony with the “God-born force.” This spirit will make us a force of good in the world, to deter the “forces of darkness.” This is our core motivation and our core goal. We will create teams of focused people who can demonstrate personal speed and strength, as well as a high standard of virtue. We will all practice vigilance of the little ones, the old and infirm, and show the way to healing for the world, which is stillemerging from the tortuous apocalypse. We will become protectores for the human world, which is like theprodigal who reaches the bottom of his misery, and desires to come home.We want to guide the human world home again. We want to protect the innocent with great mindfulness and power, so that it never descends into such darkness again; and we want to helpEarth become a paradise of increasing peace.”
She knew that their purpose here would now become known in the city, and she could go home, trusting in Bahá’u’lláh. Nowthat Neda was done speaking, the women were given the opportunity to express themselves.There was silence for a while, and then people began to move. Some sat down. Two small groups formed, and the girls were talking animatedly among themselves in Arabic. The three organizer knew this had to happen and waited patiently.
An apt approached Neda and said “We are all part of the divine”
And Neda answered “Actually, honestly, and courteously no, we are not. The Divine Unity is One Eternal Mind, and we are only potentially acceptable creatures.”

Some took their leave immediately. Others came forward and said they would not be Bahá'ís, and then left. A few expressed doubt that so much was expected, and they were not prepared to devote their lives.
Finally, eleven had left and only three women still remained.Amína, Iman and Lila. Bunji outfitted each one of them with their own thick white karate gi. He asked them to form a small circle, in the middle of the dojo, and taught them, with Amír translating if necessary, how to bow and acknowledge each other and the occasion, to be clear what they were doing, and to dedicate their future practice to a particular goal.
With Bunji, Amír and Neda, the three prospective applicants then sat where they were, cross-legged. All were serious and silent, sensing that something new was beginning.
Bunji-san was not intent on formal class yet, and demonstrated the various responses to aggression in a funny manner, with the not-so-shy Arabic girls.
“Pay attention to my response to each of your attempted strikes!” And they realized he was playing somewhat, and demonstrating skills too.
None of their blows landed. All were dissuaded with such grace that he remained breathing normally. Then, the sensei moved to the cafeteria and helped prepare international tacos.
Neda lingered with Amína, Iman and Lila. Iman was an east African Baha’i. The two others were Arab girls from Najd, and theyhad not quit. Neda prayed. She prayed again silently and hard that these would be firm and the endeavor would flourish.Neda and Amír could now return to Ecuador, confident that the beginning had been made, even if it was only with three women.
After a month, Neda returned with Venus and Oranus. Oranusintended to stay and devote themselves to the vision, by studying Arabic and supporting the country’s Bahá'ís, who were building a House of Worship in the Asír mountain town of Abhá.Abhá had become the new heart of a mixed-race Arabia. The girls travelled back and forth between Jedda and Abhá. Arabic was made easier to learn with ear-buds, and the Tablets of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh were studied academically along with the Qur’án. Arabic teachers were sent out to all parts of the world. At first they were refugees, but more and more they were simply world citizens taking advantage of the re-establishment of travel. Eventually Venus was called to Quito.
Learning that the queen had once again visited her project a crowd had gathered outside the dojo, to see and hear her speak. Sensei Bunji was worried there may be an attempt to sabotage the dojo. Had it been before the wars, before the sanctuary in Mecca had been obliterated, it may have been a real concern; but since that time, the people were simply trying to stay alive, and many had migrated, but many others had come to Arabia from all parts of the world, and the mentality of the country was quite different from the oppressive time of Wahhabist rulers.In her remarks, which were similar to what she had averred previously, she swore this oath:“…we testify that our purpose here is to raise up protectoresboth moral and physical, who have first conquered themselves, and who go on to take posts in police stations around the world, to oppose evil, even within their ranks, to defeat terrorist plots, to interdict the opium trade and abolish slavery completely from the face of the earth!”
It was then she began distributing flyers featuring a few basic principles of the Force that the devotees should pursue, saying that there would surely be more discovered in the future, as the protectoresadvanced in perfection.
Amína, Iman and Lila, the three girls who stayed and trained, each eventually became adepts. They went to various posts in the world, dressed in uniform tunics, and began to use their skills. A report was emailed to the dojo from Amína about a minor incident that happened at an airport in Brazil, the gist of which was this:
A couple was arguing in a corner of the concourse. The man was pushing a piece of luggage on the woman as if he expected her to take it, but she refused. Their voices were getting louder and more urgent, and adept Amína began moving in their direction. Just then, the couple began to slap each other, first the woman, and then the man. As he raised his arm to deliver a greater back-handed blow, he found himself on his back, eyes wide with surprise. Amína had brought his arm back around his neck without him suspecting she was even there. The women moved back surprised herself.
Amína explained calmly that she could not allow him to complete a strike that might have done some damage. He sat up and scrutinized her tan tunic with the insignia of the dojo on her sleeves, and thought she was perhaps some kind of security officer at the airport. He also perceived she was coiled to spring again, if necessary, but otherwise behaved with exemplary self-resraint.
He slowly stood up. His face registered contrition. He blew out his cheeks, and lowered his head, shaking it in incredulity.
When the couple showed that they were able to resolve their differences without further fighting, adept Amína retreated and left them to themselves.
The Principles of the God-born Force
1)    There is no god but God, the Omnipotent Source of the God-born Force.
“Know ye that to be killed in the path of His good pleasure is better for you than to kill.” (Baha'u'llah, SLH, #213)    “So if a savage Arab were to enter the room at this moment brandishing a sword and bent upon assaulting, wounding, or killing you, I would of course prevent him. Were I to abandon you to that man, this would be oppression, not justice. But if he were to harm me personally, I would forgive him.” (Abdu'l-Baha, SAQ #77:10)
Die before you die. "It behoveth the people of Baha to die to the world and all that is therein, to be so detached from all earthly things that the inmates of Paradise may inhale from their garment the sweet smelling savor of sanctity, that all the peoples of the earth may recognize in their faces the brightness of the All-Merciful, and that through them may be spread abroad the signs and tokens of God, the Almighty, the All-Wise." (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, XLVI)
"I beseech Thee, O my God, by Thy Beauty that shineth forth above the horizon of eternity, a Beauty before which as soon as it revealeth itself the kingdom of beauty boweth down in worship, magnifying it in ringing tones, to grant that I may die to all that I possess and live to whatsoever belongeth unto Thee." (Prayers and Meditations by Baha'u'llah, p. 289)
Principio del formulario

2)    Perfect strength against evil requires training in meekness & vigilance.
3)    To hinder evil in one’s self & in the world, serve only the God-born Force. That is, annihilate the dark ego self, and exalt the glorious angelic self.     This can be done through deep meditation and energy practices. The practice of the Science of the Love of God becomes developed.
4)    The beauty of the God-born Force is an array of virtues;                                           the weakness of evil is heedlessness and vice.
5)    The God-born Force does not compete with Itself; but the forces of darkness oppose each other.
6)    All the visible material events are inter-related with invisible spiritual forces. (Abdu'l-Baha, Divine Philosophy)
7)    All the forces of the universe, in the last analysis serve the Covenant. (Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, #192)
8)    All the peoples of the world are powerless to resist its force… (P&M by Baha'u'llah, LIII) The God-born Force will ultimately be victorious
9)    "Be nothing then and walk upon the waves."
They found among the crowd that other Bahá'ís, including men, had joined the dojo, and therefore more classes had to be scheduled.
In her final address to the seekers gathered, Neda spoke about the love of God. She spoke to the believers, wherever they might be. It molested her not at all to release the statement to the press, because she was convinced it was in the best interests of Humanity, including Ecuador.
“There is no secret that this is a Bahá'í inspired endeavor –to find the people of capacity who will seek devotion to Bahá’u’lláh first, which implies dedication to the protection and service of others, dutiful mastery of the martial arts tradition with superior physical skills, and individual specialization in education, medical treatment, and travel. Aptsremain in groups at the dojos, but Adepts are free to go into the world, and need only occasionally gather with others. The Adepts operate alone, or in pairs. Every cell in their bodies should be oriented, by means of the power of Life in it, as to harmonize with the purpose of protecting and advancing the human race, individually and collectively. The object of our “science of the Love of God” is to manifest the good-pleasure of God and to make Pachamama into an Eden paradise. You may seek employment in other law enforcement agencies –to help them succeed in apprehending genuine malcontents, and to assure those agencies remain moral. As always, if such demanding requirements seem to demanding, you are free to leave; but if people hope to stay, they will be helping us evolve a new way.You are not seeking to glorify yourself. You are seeking to become utterly selfless, and therefore utterly fearless. What is the source of this courage? Steadfast love of God and promotion of the teachings! That is more than mere martial arts training. ‘Abdu'l-Bahá said “The honor of man is through the attainment of the knowledge of God….”
The meeting ended with an enthralling performance by Oranus and Venus. They sang harmony in a style never done before, of the following prayer, in Spanish:
 "All that I beg of Thee, O my God, is to enable me, ere my soul departeth from my body, to attain Thy good-pleasure, even were it granted to me for a moment tinier than the infinitesimal fraction of a mustard seed. For if it departeth while Thou art pleased with me, then I shall be free from every concern or anxiety; but if it abandoneth me while Thou art displeased with me, then, even had I wrought every good deed, none would be of any avail, and had I earned every honor and glory, none would serve to exalt me.I earnestly beseech Thee then, O my God, to graciously bestow Thy good-pleasure upon me when Thou dost cause me to ascend unto Thee and make me appear before Thy holy presence, inasmuch as Thou hast, from everlasting, been the God of immense bounty unto the people of Thy realm, and the Lord of most excellent gifts to all that dwell in the exalted heaven of Thine omnipotence."(The Bab, SWB 7:18)
Most of the people who came, left again, feeling it was too much to expect. But the ones who stayed were interviewed by the Queen herself, scrutinized gently and engaged in various moves.
The time came for Neda to leave and she embraced Venus and Oranus. Now, their mother was confident that they were where they belonged.
“We will email you,” Oranus promised.
Pues, when you have time.” Neda shrugged.
“I am so proud of you” added Oranus, “for blazing a new path for our people, who have covered their faces for too long.” She embraced her mother once more.
When Neda returned to Ecuador, she discovered a great interest in her new project, which was being called the Jeddaischool, since it began in Jedda. A group of tall, lean afro-ecuatorianocosteñomen were received who were already proficient in Brazilian martial arts. Other people came forward in groups to be tested and accepted.
“Are you willing to dedicate your lives to beingprotectores?” she asked them. “Are you willing to combine intense spiritual and academic improvement with physical practice?” They were willing. So she began the first of many dojos around the country which became known for improving the character and behavior of the idle youth, and some adults who had strength and agility. Everywhere she went she unabashedly spoke about the task of religion to raise up the people.
“If it does raise up and bind together, it is not religion.”
She became more challenging because of the fire that was within her. More and more levels of choice in education were added to that which was available to the average ecuatoriano. In this way the Jeddai school of martial arts spread to other countries, working its way down from the top, as she acquainted other leaders with her vision. And all the while, Neda had, in the back of her mind, the expanding presence of humanity in the solar system, and the leading role the Bahá'ís should play in colonizing other worlds.
To Yachay University she went to speak about the Ecuadorian presence in space, demanding more dedicated effort for accomplished disciplines, in schools of all kinds. Everywhere her message was Intensity.

2020 Covid-19 Pandemic quarantine, 30 year Bad Time ensues
2021 Jaime Rumiñawi born. Centenario (Centennial) of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Baha
2033 Permanent bases established in Mars space
2044 Bi-Centenario of the Declaration of the Bab
2050 Jaime accepts crown at age 29. “Good Time” said to begin
2053 Jaime finally marries Luz at age 35. Bi-Centenario of the Revelation of Baha’u’llah in the Siyah Chal
2063 Bi-Centenario of the Declaration of Baha’u’llah in the Ridvan
2064 Pedro born to Jaime and Luz. Jovian moon bases established
2086 Pedro marries Olga at age 22
2092 Leo born to Pedro and Olga. Bi-Centenario of the Ascension of Baha’u’llah
2094 At age 73, Jaime abdicates to Pedro, age 30
2110 Leo befriended by Joon at age 18& travels worldwide. Leo returns and forms alliance with Rastus for usable asteroids
2114 Jaime dies at age 93. First interstellar ion probe launched
2117 & 2119 Tri-Centenarios del Nacimientos del Manifestaciones Gemeles
2120 Pedro dies at age 56, Leo crowned at age 28, and marries Ana
2121 Neda born to Leo and Ana. Bi-Centenario of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Baha
2140 Marriage of Neda, age 19, to Amir Shirazi, age 20
2141 Daughter Venus born to Neda and Amir
2143 Daughter Oranus born to Neda and Amir
2160 At age 68, Leo killed at Baños, and Ana also dies soon after. Succession of Neda, age 39, who pursues a vision of synchronicity and holism, and begins the Jeddaischool of martial arts, whichVenus age 19, Oranus 17 promote and support.
2161 Halley’s comet

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