Sunday, June 27, 2021

 A MATCH IN THE WOODS [Fiction by Mark Townsend, May 2021)


Bodies of Evidence

A careless match was all it took. Smoky the Bear's advice was forgotten.             The California fire raged out of control, during a very dry period. The shape of the fire's spread created a semi-circle, into which the rebellious juvenile slowed, sniffing, but continued, thinking he was as stealthy as his elders. Her feet thundered through the thinning woods, behind him, out into the meadow.

I do not want to go out there she thought, as she ran; but I do want to get my hands on my difficult son, and when I do! It's getting harder to breathe! There is fire  ahead! A fire! Why am I running towards a fire! Because that is surely where he went!                                                                                                      

She quickened her pace. She was breathing in the smoke too fast now: and eventually she collapsed, unable to crawl another foot.

After this California fire had been arrested, there was discovered, in the ashes, the body of an adult female sasquatch, and nearby, the body of a juvenile. Her position and condition showed she had avoided direct contact with the flames, but had appeared to have perished from smoke inhalation, while trying to rescue the juvenile.

The call did not go to a government agency, but to the state Bigfoot researchers. In many previous cases, bodies were lost or hidden away and the "no body, no proof" rule was followed. When the investigators arrived, they found that the body of the offspring had been badly burned; but the adult was in good condition. They knew immediately this was the precious evidence they had awaited so long! Both bodies were covered and carried out by winch truck, to a walk-in freezer, to be preserved. In this way, cover-up was avoided. The bodies would only be accessed by a team of professional coroners, physiologists, and primatologists who would agree to testify honestly to the public.

Complete diagnostics were done. DNA samples were taken and even what their last meals had been. If they had been Egyptian mummies, the careful scrutinization could not have been more minute. When this autopsy was done, exhaustive reports with video were thoroughly broadcast worldwide.

From this sacrificial event, a media storm continued for some time, in which the remaining unbelievers were put to shame, and public awareness of Sasquatch was assured. The central photograph of many showed the propped up body of the mother, in comparison to a lab-tech in a white frock. The size comparison between the frozen momma and the living man, was shocking, because she was over eight feet tall and weighed 620 pounds.

A flood of messages from people insisting on the formal recognition of Sasquatch overwhelmed the governments. Legal recognition followed, and guidelines for protecting the wild people were to be enforced. Killing sasquatches became illegal; except in self-defense. Convictions carried penalties comparable to manslaughter and murder.

The stubborn reluctance of science to determine the existence of Sasquatch had been like the Catholic church toward Galileo. Some minds would not grasp the implications. The secret agencies were nothing but barriers to understanding, and their policies became a shame to them. It was even more like the adulterous monarchs who refused to recognize their love-children. They had tried to keep them hidden as long as possible, so there would be no "unpleasantness" or "embarrassment" at the appalling neglect of one's own relatives!

During the twenty years after the clear proof of Sasquatch had permeated the media, and their rights as sentients were made legal, great strides were made in establishing personal relationships, and protecting them from intrusions by the increasing number of refugees from the coasts, and promise of opportunities to dialogue with them. This had to involve the permission from key Sasquatch chieftains.

Facial recognition permitted following the lives of individuals, who were given names at first. As individuals, they gained followers that eagerly followed blogs of their lives.

Finally, it was time for the two strains of sapiens to move closer together. Continuous messaging about the control of aggression were communicated by both peoples. Stories about what happened to aggressors were instrumental in calling more pow-wows, and forming convictions contrary to millennia of habit.

It was the time of In-Gathering, and hope was high between them. Even the Sasquatch chieftains realized a new age was dawning; and it had to be positive. Increasing people pressure would never leave them alone again; and they must adapt to the planetary situation. Compounds where humans and sasquatches could interact were set up.


Cho-uh and Taya

The giant Cho-uh was over eleven feet tall. He had dominated his group until the Disclosure caused the mentally astute to alter their ideas about the hairy giants. He was given to deep thought, and knew it was time for great changes.

One evening, he found a lone camper sitting by his fire, in a small glade. He made a series of sharp clacks, with two wooden rods, before emerging. From Cho-uh's perspective, this person emanated great calm. His thoughts were not like most of the oblivious, frightened people; and they were focused on the Sasquatch people. Every now and then, the camper's eyes scanned the tree line, wishing for an encounter. Then it happened!

In the shadowy evening, one of the trees seemed to step away from the rest, and approach the fire. The man stood up fearlessly. When Cho-uh saw this, he knew his existence, as a sentient being, was accepted. They both sat down and began to listen to each other. Slowly, they made themselves known to each other, as much through telepathy as vocalizations. There was first knowledge, volition, then action. The man offered Cho-uh some grub. This man, Cho-uh discovered, was committed to long-range relations with the Sasquatch people, governed by patience and compassion. When they parted, it was with the understanding that they would meet again.

The fire in California had been a global bellwether. At the same time,  Cho-uh was mated with Taya, and they had raised their son Chuon to be friendly with littler people for years, until Taya disappeared. Some thought Taya had died, but no one was sure how. Cho-uh dreamed she was still alive with Strangers. She had gone out alone and was never found again. Her son Chuon kept it bottled inside.

Because of the dream, Cho-uh began re-orienting himself even more, and he persistently taught his people. As Cho-uh became older, he hunted less and spent more time sitting alone, meditatively, like a lump of fur. Fortunately, he sensed, there would be no fights for the chieftainship. Everyone thought Chuon would assume the leadership, and some humans called him Raiz, but the Alpha Cho'uh knew Chuon would be extraordinarily busy with his greater family, and he would concede the local clan leadership to Jacko, a fully competent childhood friend.

Taya was a better mother than most, looking after the potential in her son. She had often told Chuon to learn more from the humans, but to stay away from their cities. He had grown up looking at the big screen, at the Project, and getting his questions answered, learning basic English, geography and history of human civilization.


Sahar was a tall, muscular, independent Jieng (or Dinka) woman from southern Sudan, the daughter of a minor chief. She was restless with her people, and argued with her elders and scuffled with boys and girls both.

She had initiation scars on her temples that resembled the crow's feet people get as they age. For her, they were a distinctive mark of her people. She also had a few light patches on her arms, from a condition called vitiligo. It was never anything to impede her progress; because she knew others who had succeeded because of it, and not despite the condition. For some time, she had worn her hair in tight braids that were dyed different colors. But she had come to another turning point in her life, when she wanted to be even more independent of anyone, even others who would help with her hair. She wanted to recover some of the wildness she remembered, in the cattle culture of her childhood; so she kept her hair short, in a simple "'fro".

The civil war with northern Sudan had caused a continuing diaspora of many of her people to other countries. Like others before her, she went to America to participate in basketball, modeling and acting, and whatever else could make her financially independent. She was well schooled, and continued learning. Perhaps because of the chaos in the world, or her desire to do something great, she felt  a compulsion stirring within her. She now had a modest fortune, and could do whatever she wanted. She had characterized her new life with the Arabic name Sahar, meaning "Just before Dawn".

She remembered when a lion had tried to breech the wooden fence that held young goats; so she began reading stories of wild animals and inevitably came across Sasquatch. The idea of a hairy giant riveted her attention. Then, it dawned on her that there had to be enough of these creatures to breed throughout the centuries, and when she delved more into the subject, she realized they took a few human women. When lions and tigers mated, the resulting "ligers" were larger than both parents. The Sasquatch could be the same, maximizing the effectiveness of the gene for gigantism. She found an amazing ad in the media: Tall, big-boned women sought for interactions with Sasquatch, possibly intimate and long-term. Their mitochondrial DNA is human female. If you are tall, and are up for high adventure, and willing to advance the goal of uniting these branches of the human tree, contact us now! Financial assistance available.

She studied the Salishan language a bit, because it originated the word Sasq'ets (Sasquatch, or "wild man"). She had so many questions about the legends and recent accounts, their use of fire and tools, their social life, the possibility of cannibalism, and ritual funerals. What did they like to eat most; and why did they bang on trees and make them into sculptures that no normal person could? She brooded on the subject constantly, obsessed.

Using video, she learned of the individuals in the clan in BC. Her attention was immediately drawn to "Raiz", meaning Chief, a beautiful young male, with long, silky red hair, dangling from his great arms and broad shoulders. Sahar wanted a wild man. Nothing would dissuade her. He was one of the rare individual Sasquatch that was raised up to trust humans enough to proceed.

"Why do you want to do this, Sahar?" asked a Project head.

"I would stand in the path of a bluffing bull elephant, and encircle their animal mind with a greater will power!" she blurted. "Sasquatch are irritated because we don't generally acknowledge their existence, let alone their immediate presence, so they let us know what's up!

It's getting better. When people go about their business and respect the sasquatches, their attitude will be more benign, and interactions will happen. Right?"


In 2060, she flew to Vancouver, British Columbia, and spent substantial time there, adapting to the grandeur of the moist forests, and hiking with groups of people. One of the folks she met while camping said: "As long as there was no certitude about Sasquatch, as there was about caribou or bears, they suffered from a ludicrous range of myths about them". The main office of the Project was in Kent, on Deer Lake, in the Sasquatch Provincial Park. The locality had long positioned itself to coordinate similar reconciliation efforts worldwide. If the Creator of both peoples wanted re-unification, no one could stop it.

She was finally accepted to make a provisional visit. She arrived at the Peace River station, with her travel pack, and a large case of appliances, figuring she would be staying a while; and gradually became briefed by Dr. Tim Baker, one of the managers of the project.

While zooming with Dr. Baker, she studied what was known of the signals and language of the Sasquatch, and made them her own. There were lots of clips of whoops, growls, or booms, and syllables that sounded human.

"I have a question." she said.

"Yes?" the doctor replied.

"I am used to perfume and I am wondering about the rancid smell they are said to have." At this Tim laughed.

"I knew this would come up! Would you believe we have already talked to Raiz about it? This is a critical issue. If he wants a human wife, he'll have to use the jacuzzi regularly!"

Sahar said "Right. If he wants to go to the city sometimes, we don't want to repel anyone!" Then she added "I'm calling him what his family calls him, --Chuon, not Raiz. I suggest you do the same."

From Tim, Sahar learned how the compound came to be. It was financed by an anonymous wealthy donor, who knew from first-hand experience about the Sasquatch. He was the camper who was honored with meeting Cho-uh, sitting by his little fire. The great shadow emerged from the woods, and confidently approached the fire. It was Cho-uh, the alpha male of the Peace River group. Things might not have progressed so easily, had it not been for the trust shown by Cho-uh. The two had became friends, and the alliance was born.

Another twenty years of steady human influence had passed, since the bodies were found in the forest fire, another generation began to grow up. Some of these who would be the pioneers of an even closer relationship. The family groups in British Columbia were being honored, and they could now tell others how they felt about it. Work continued codifying Sasquatch sounds and syllables, inflexions, gestures, and proper timing, when replying. Teaching English was for those sasquatches that were willing, and curious enough to learn why humans insisted on visiting them.

The compound was built and from that time on, a working field station began to develop, near the place where Chuon's band lived. There was a lab and clinic, a dormitory for guests, a gym and giant Jacuzzi, a cafeteria, and an outdoor amphitheater, with plenty of seating. A very large screen constantly showed other bands, news, and educational programs. All they had to do was watch. There were also several individual terminals for private lessons, and remote conversations. These excited the imagination of those who dared to look.

The big screen at the station was set up so that large numbers could watch it outside, and be free to come and go as they pleased. It constantly showed important programming, segments about other great apes; and the work of Dian Fossey and Jane Goodall drew large numbers of viewers. This increased the curiosity and boldness of the sasquatches enormously, hearing and seeing other sasquatches on social media. They hammed it up online, and spoke of their lives to long lost relatives, conveying how the hunting was, where they lived. Other groups of Hairy People, around the world, were now reaching out to Humanity, as if there had been a subtle and simultaneous alert. The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch somehow notified other Bigfoot throughout the continental forty-eight states, and more and more of them began appearing in larger groups, the mountains. These conclaves were happening everywhere.

Eventually, it was time for Sahar to meet them, and she was traveled up to the Project area. There was a deep dimple in a meadow, where both peoples gathered.

Sahar and Digga

Sahar sat contemplating the beauty of the place, the peaks on the horizon, the dark tree line, the breeze upon her face, and another figure approached and sat down beside her. It was Digga, an older female that had been profiled in the Project's webpage. She was an herbalist healer, and had brought Sahar a handful of mushrooms, fragrant and fresh, recently rinsed.

"O thank you Digga!" she said, and gestured for her to sit beside her. A sensation of safety and friendship surrounded her, and from her sad brown eyes, Sahar sensed a dense forest of stories and wisdom.

"We are friends?" she asked tentatively. In response, Sahar placed her long arm around her and pulled her closer.

"Yes. Yes! I think I could use a woman friend up here." A small smile appeared on the somber face.

"We can do things together. When I am Day Watcher, you can sit with me. When we are free, we gather plants I show you." The kindness being offered to her made Sahar's heart swell, and they continued to share, shoulder to shoulder, until the sun became low, and they joined others for something to eat.

The Hunter

Chu'on found Jacko and Eko, his brother, also moving toward the woods, in response to the same worry that was building in himself, as well. The  fraternal twin Eye and Ear joined them. Eye was a black beast, whose eye had been injured around the brow, but which had healed up well. Ear was a rusty -colored big guy with prominent ears. He had one that was ripped. They ran fast.

Digga and Sahar sat in a glade, which glowed with light greens and yellows. Both appreciated the peace and quiet.

But eyes wearing shades watched them from the circle of trees, --the eyes of the last foolish hunter. He wanted a Bigfoot trophy all taxidermied up real nice! What he found was only fear and failure. As the hunter closed in on the two females in the glade, he wondered why a black woman was so cozy with a Bigfoot! He wore a pistol at his side, but carried a crossbow in his hands, with a loaded quarrel.

Shaggy Digga murmured in a low tone, and Sahar had to lean in to hear her. Neither woman wished to be anywhere else, at the moment, so Sahar could learn from Digga, and Digga could learn from Sahar. These women understood best about the fidelity and friendliness necessary in the Project.

Suddenly, the deep angry roars of Chuon, Jack, Eko, Eye and Ear burst out, and they were on the man so fast, his cocked quarrel shot off uselessly. They grabbed the crossbow and the pistol and pounded them to dented wrecks upon the rocks, and tossed them far away. They pinched and punched the man, and would not kill him, but kept hurting him.

Then, out of the trees stomped the giant chieftain Cho-uh, who had farther to move to get there. He was rushing forward, and it was no bluff. All the other Bigfeet fell back and stood down. Eye was a little too slow and was bumped aside by the massive Cho-uh's passing. Cho-uh reached the startled women, and turned to face the flailing, failing hunter, with blazing eyes, hollering like hell. "Aeeh!" The hunter peed his cargo shorts full. Cho-uh advanced threatening, screaming. "You! Aah! GET OUT!" and placing his broad hand on the hunter's chest, launched him downhill. He fell clattering in the long pole constructions, coming to rest in the center of the teepee, unconscious. Cho-uh himself checked on the hunter, and finding him alive, ordered a guard be placed on him until the Mounties could come and remand the offender. Cho-uh's haunting cry was like a siren insinuating itself into the vast spaces of the night, and was from the great lungs of the sasquatch chieftain.

Later, the women, found a blanket, and sat on it, and continued talking. When they started to get hungry they went to the  cafeteria, designed for both peoples. There was a salad bar and Sahar and Digga both took a bowl of chicken salad.

Sahar and Chuon

She caught sight of Chuon. He was already snacking, looking at her and emanating welcome and goodwill at their budding friendship. A sensation of peace and prosperity prevailed as the women took what they liked, filled with glee and contentment, and smiles for everyone. She broke up her mushrooms into the salad. Across the cafeteria, from each other, Chuon and Sahar eyed each other, trying to mute the enthusiasm they felt, in the presence of all the others.

A few young orphans, who were being raised by humans, with occasional visits to the clan den, also came in. The time of interactions had begun, after the media had succeeded in swaying public opinion in favor of the Sasquatch; it had to caution people to respect their privacy, and not flood half-cocked into the wilderness.

The Local Conclave

All were to gather in the amphitheater in the dimple. Sahar kept on the simple soft colored skirt, but went topless, as girls were when she was young, or celebrating. She felt she had been born again. Her bare feet connected with the earth and grass. Every young buck's eyes followed her as she approached and took her seat. Chuon took his place as well. The two of them stared at each other, smirking, and patiently waiting.

Several other women had also intended to meet male sasquatches, but none showed interest in them. Dr. Baker gave Sahar her a satellite telephone, for communication with the base. She wanted to get into the case of appliances; but there was no time yet to do it, without being certain how things would go. If it didn't go well; she would leave.

Cho-uh, philosophical father of Chuon howled for attention, and the "local meeting" came to order. Cho-uh wanted to have what might be his last great chance to shape the future, especially his son's. He had loved Taya and agreed with her that they should be braver than ever, and lead the way to unity with the littler people. He had raised up Chuon for this moment. He was sad because Taya could not be here, but knew that she was not dead, and still receptive to his silent thoughts, which reached out to her.

He brought his thick hands together in a loud clap, then locking his fingers together, showing how the people should come together; then he pulled them, as if to test their strength. He turned left and right, as if seeking prey, moving smoothly to re-enact what all had done, dropping to all fours, when necessary. He danced stories both old and new. He was a dark and foreboding spectacle, and no one even moved while he gestured greatly with his arms, and signed as he spoke, punctuating with a wide-range of loud vocalizations, sprinkled with a few English words. His sagittal crest, the ridge of bone running lengthwise along the midline of the top of his skull, indicated exceptionally strong jaw muscles. If his message had been translated into English, it would have sounded something like this:

"We are the wild men of the forests! We have survived since the beginning! We now have to show the Little People how sacred Earth must be preserved. We killed some of them; and they killed some of us. Now, no guns! Now that must be ended! Honor us, and we will honor you Little People. Yes! Now is the time to come together. In the past, we befriended some of the native tribes. We were always part of the greater human race; and now we must assume the role of leadership to help them find the sacred Balance. Each will teach the other, yes! Only come to this union if you want to be part of it. Stay away if you don't. We must learn the endless things they can teach, if our hearts motivate us to do so. But some of us will remain in the wilderness, and some may come to visit. We honor strength and courage, but the way we show will change path.

We don't want to be swamped by confused Little People, who are refugees from the chaos, and the imbalance they have caused. Yes! We have exiled some who were bad among us. When we had to, it was just. We hear that the cities lock up their bad people, and even put them to death, just as we have done. But now, all the Sasquatch, and all the human tribes need to be like the limbs of one body, working together. Yes! Yes! Work and play and love together, so that we become one people, as we should now. We are one great family. Yow! Ya!            "

The Native peoples beat drums. While this was going on, Sahar was boogying African style. Another visiting human male had also caught sight of Sahar's sexuality; he did not know her or Chuon at all. He was only interested in her beauty. A scuffle broke out between him and Chuon when he arose to approach her. Chuon and Sahar knew they were for each other; and no one could intervene. The two were on a pre-destined course, from their contacts online and from telepathic connections. A low rattling and threatening growl came from Chuon. He beat the man who flirted with Sahar. It would be a big mistake to try to take her away from him! The man wasn't really hurt from a couple of light blows that shoved him into the thickets that scratched his face. Others came to help him out. No one could discipline the Sasquatch prince in his own territory. He felt her naked skin with his great hand. Sahar didn't say anything then; but years later, they recalled it all with chagrin and humor.

Sahar decided to make her move.  When Chuon has resumed his seat, she went straight to him, feeling strange and bold, and not hesitant. She seated herself right beside him. After that, there was never any doubt. He was not contested. Sahar had been a basketballer; at seven feet, she was taller and bigger than other humans, but smooth and black as ebon wood, or a cast iron skillet. But Chuon was taller still, and weighed more than 600 pounds, all feisty muscle.

When the gathering was over, they sought out Cho-uh before he disappeared again, and obtained his approval for their union.

The sounds the father and son made were untranslatable, yet still, she sensed the goodwill from Cho-uh. This made Chuon happy too. He wrapped an arm around her briefly and then turned towards the woods, looking back over his shoulder, motioning for her to follow. She had her boots, and hurrtiedly put them back on, then took off after him, throwing on her shirt again.

They both knew, with little conversation yet between them, that they would be mated. She saw him run ahead, fast and smooth, with his hair flowing like fire through the sunlit glades. She caught up with him, and together they looked down the slopes, through the myriad trees, to the Project compound, in the meadow. No one seemed to be concerned that she had left with Chuon; but Dr. Baker made a note of it. He would have to give her the stimulus check, and more, if they raised children.

Chuon was glad to have such a female, who was successful in several spheres, and fearlessly demonstrative in her affection for him. As they moved through the old growth trees, he explained about an event when he was younger. Like the Amish people, whom he didn't know, the Sasquatch had something similar to "rumspringa", when adolescents were given the freedom to do what they wanted, before settling into adulthood. Chuon had always heard about the Little People, and had to see for himself. He made his way to a Native village, on the coast, where a few houses were clustered around a store. One had chicken cages in back of their trailer. After peeking in their windows, and silencing the dog. He forced his hand into the cage and grabbed the squawking hen, and with her in one hand and the dog in the other, made his way into the woods once more. It seemed he wanted her to think him brave for this.

In response to this, Sahar only stared wide-eyed, trying to refrain from laughing. He smiled. "Love you". She signed: "Love you," Chuon grumbled, in reply, causing a vibration to pass through her, and a thrill to take hold of her. She repeated, how a female naturally would, saying ooh-ooh woo ooh ah! Love YOU!" grinning. He stopped and released a long howl, like a siren, to announce to the world his intent.

She felt him shuddering, like an earthquake. She would have preferred to sit and talk more, but he was set on racing down the other side of the hill, to a gurgling stream. He ran ahead, and she caught up to him, feeling so wonderful! She joined him as he sat, motionless as a stone. Her shoe scraped a bit of gravel, and he said the word for "Be still". In the sunlight, he glittered like a god. She sat as quietly as she could, thinking only about his wild people. A deer came and stared at them, uncertain, and then bolted away. Another time, and Chuon would catch it. After being alone for a while, they returned to the Project compound.

Chuon and Jacko had grown up like brothers, about the same age. They now competed with each other, in fun, lifting heavy weights in the gym. Afterwards, they took advantage of the cleansing showers, and the Jacuzzi.

"I don't want to be chief," said Chuon to Jacko.

"But it is your right," replied Jacko

"Not now. I will be busy enough marrying into the Little People clan."

"Why are you telling me this?" asked Jacko.

"Because you will be chieftain of Peace River clan." Jacko thought about this. No more needed to be said.

Trekking to the Cave

When other people agreed to help, she divided the items in the case among their friends, who acted as porters. As well as these, they acquired a small generator, a concession to a wife used to these electrical things.

 Chuon looked at the things, and made an obscure gesture before he set out, saying "Two hours to get to cave." She wore a leather frock coat that she had made herself, that was worn over a shirt and leggings, for running through thickets. She followed his relentless and gigantic shape, crunching carelessly through the woods. He gripped a small tree and forced it back, with a crack, in the direction of the compound. She acknowledged his action. If he wanted, he could become silent. But she sensed from him an enormous confidence. He was fearless of anything.

They  arrived, breathing heavily, at a cave that had been used for centuries, by shamans of native tribes, as well as the Sasquatch, but was currently unoccupied. Is this where he wants us to live? She fought being shocked by the standard he wanted her to accept for their home; but then she  remembered that she had wanted a wild man. Isolated, far from the compound, a gloomy, fire pit cold, the entrance blockaded from within, she felt desperate, and wanted to cry; but looked to her case full of pots and appliances that would help her cook for him as Dinka women did. She saw that the pit had been placed under a crack that ran up the wall, where smoke could escape. It had been blackened over time. The cave was spacious enough to walk around in, but they had to stoop in some places, or drop to all fours.

"We always distrusted the fire and the smoke." There was something of grief in how he said it.

Trying to be brave, she said "I will be careful with fire, Chuon. But, why so far from the camp?" signing with her hands as well.

He rumbled and chuckled. "Later, we go to all that. But first, it is just us. You will be glad for other skills you will learn here, when we can stalk together. And we might need to retreat here." She smiled at that.

Then, Chuon lamented the crises in the world, that had come to his attention, the flooded coastlands and abandoned traffic in some places, which he had seen on the news.

"I am happy you are here. But I am sad the world has come to the result of its stubbornness. My parents trained me well. We would not be together without their blazing the trail." Then, he expansively celebrated his union with her, in this private place, by wrapping her up again, twitching and gripping, touching and stroking.

Many, many generations of wild Sasquatch had dreaded contact with humans. He woofed with astonishment, at what they had accomplished, while they sat on the flat stones that had been moved into the cave, which could be closed off from the inside, against the elements, the bears, and so on. He had to move slowly inside. He drew on his English as best he could. She was proud that most of his story was understandable. Sasquatch people had a far more abundant set of sounds than humans, and could speak too.

Two other young males, at the gathering, would have to wait longer for mates. They did not want human women; but it was possible extra females from other clans could be brought in.

"I heard sometimes the Bigfoot would take someone's dog. What do you know about that?"

Chuon said "I have taken a dog. It barked too much."

"Bad Bigfoot!" she admonished. "What did you do with it?".

"We peeled it and roasted it, Littlefoot."

"No more stealing other people's pets, alright?" she insisted, with her hands on her hips. His eyes ran up and down her.

"What else is on your mind?" he asked, using sign language too, so it would be clear. When she didn't answer, he drew her close, his humming thrumming through her, breathily in her hair.  He smelled all right to her; because he had learned to like the Jacuzzi. Warm baths had rarely been possible before. Now, she needed to feel him all over; but he was playful and shied away, whooping and swinging his arms.

She reached in her pack and took out a special brush she had brought. When he looked at it, he seated himself like a gentleman and allowed her to brush his back and massive chest. What a fine cascade of shiny reddish-gold hair! she observed closely.

She asked him about the howling. "We shout what we want. We whisper. We whine, and we whoop. We mastered the woods". She considered this quietly for a while. They began what would go on all the time they were together. What is this, and what is that, in your language?

Lean and graceful, Sahar was from a pastoral society. Her brothers, like their cousins and ancestors, herded cattle, with huge upswept horns. But she had chosen education, moving into the English-speaking worlds, living in America and using a smart phone, which wasn't working in the cave, and she was glad to have the walky-talky to communicate with the base. She showed him a clip of her playing basketball with other women, while thousands of people watched.

"Tell me now" she prompted, "what happens if a clan gets too big?"

"Someone will get exiled." When she still looked puzzled, he continued:

"Many of our people have broken away from their clans, and gone to another place. They either find a mate or live alone, hiding in the mud. Many have spread throughout the southlands, finding some patch of forest, where there are deer, or something."

He began to get agitated. She lovingly reached, repeating his word "Be still."       His sculpted, fur-framed face, with deep hazel eyes, lit up with a smile. She continued to brush him with care and concern, feeling that his life was now hers, and vice versa. Then she stopped and leaned into him, her chosen mate. They were trail-blazers; in the future there would be more like them.

Sahar assured him they would have time to whoop and run, and hunt together. But they also had committed to support the children's classes, until they had children too. He could see, she was a strong member of her Dinka tribe, simply because she had left it, for the larger field of the world.

First Intimate Scene

When they'd acquired the cave he'd shown her, and cooked a few meals there, in the simplest way, he sat studying her, naked except for a short skirt, and he pulled her onto the nest of pine-sprigs, which she had covered with soft blankets, and they carefully made love. His genitals were proportionate to his size, but much hair there needed to be swept aside. She was keeping his attention, eye to eye. Right away, she had to master this. "Gentle" she signed to him. Chuon/Raiz could have become a chieftain of clans; but here, the slightest movement of Sahar's finger was his guide. He was an exemplary hairy man. She took his great head in her hands and drew him closer, kissing here and there, until she flipped herself over and he humped the dark, smooth, plump rump of his mate.

Back in the common encampment, classes were taught for or by sasquatches about every interesting thing -space, pituitary glands, the urgency of medical and spiritual counsel, help for difficult births, and sign language while expressing oneself with Basic Squatch, called Squawk Talk. Mother's with  young sat listening, staring at the big screen.

It looked busy at the gate, where three people waited to be transported out in a helicopter; and another small group was coming in. Word was going around that the Dinka woman and Raiz were together and wanted it that way. They would reappear. If they didn't return after a long time, sasquatches would be sent out to investigate. That evening, the two returned and seemed pleased with themselves, preparing to go back again. Sahar knew Dr. Baker would want an update, and she told him it was going well. This was the goal of the project; to bring the two peoples together. No one thought it would happen so quickly. Their union brought ancient trysts to mind. After, laughter, stones were thrown on the rafters. Everyone froze and then resumed laughing.  

Later in their life, they would be traveling to many parts of the world; but they could always return, and spend time, during pleasant weather, at their honeymoon cave, and stay near the compound during severe winters.

Besides this, Sahar gained Digga as a friend, the experienced female Sasquatch who took her on walks, learning herbs and other useful plants, whispering about the men in their lives, and their anticipations of the future.

"We are weird and wonderful. Wow! Whee! Whew!" She said these words like shouts, with such dramatic intensity; and she said them so much, with other African things, that the furry giants loved her and her chatter, and included some of them in their Squatch Talk.

Birth of Jawara                                                                                                                         

After missing her period, she realized, and wondered if she could carry a giant baby. She was anxious about talking to him about it; but he was delighted. Timidly she told him she was pregnant. She told him "My pregnancy has to be carefully monitored by the doctors, or the girl baby may not survive." "You know it is a girl already?" A primate OBGYN was called in, Remembering a few mothers in the Sudan, who died in childbirth, it was decided she would have caesarian delivery. To be safe, with minimal stress on the mother and the baby, Jawara was born this way. Raiz was not happy about all the medical intervention, but she put her foot down: "Many in my tribe died in child birth. I'm not going to try to give birth to a twenty pound baby, the ultrasound shows that she's fifteen pounds already, and I still have three months to go!"

Sahar clearly screamed out "Jawara", giving the baby the name she had already chosen. It meant "Jewel". Her friend, Dr. Tim Baker awarded Sahar with the stimulus check. She was committed long-range, to the program.


Jawara was evident proof that the splintered branches of Humanity could be reunited again. She was both black and tan, a dedicated refugee, a Sudanese girl, with an engaging pattern of spots on the upper part of her body, that people later said told a story. Because the arrangement of spots around her torso resembled Orion, she was associated with that myth. This amused Jawara. Her eyes would flash; she had curly hair brown, with reddish highlights, and a fine coat of hair, about two inches in length, covered her body, but it was not thick. Her skin could easily be seen beneath.

As she grew up, she demonstrated traits from both peoples. She would be tall and strong, and run with the wind in the high meadows, and swim in shady streams. She did not balk when it was time to attend school; but when it was over she was gone again, running with her friends, or alone, filled with wonder and magic, at being a new thing in the world.

With the appearance of Jawara in the world, the world wanted to see. So, several drones were flown over the Peace River Project and highlands around it. With quality infra-red cameras, they managed to spot her in the common area. The camera zoomed in on her. She heard its whirring and pranced around for it.


A Home for the Brave

People said what Sahar already knew. She and Chuon needed a home of their own. The Project council, which ran the affairs of the compound, suggested that they designate a large piece of property which would revert to the Project once the couple were gone. Because Jawara was precious, it was her permanent home. It would be an earth-ship, which exemplified ecologically balanced designs. The construction resembled an Amish "barn raising" featuring giants carrying great boulders for the foundation, tall wide doors (like a barn) for giants to come and go, and a warming window-wall that ran around the main wall, creating a warm green-house where plants could grow...

Travel by Jet and Truck

When news of hybrid Jawara was leaked to the public, everyone obviously wanted to see them in person. But they had to be content with occasional appearances online. Inevitably, video was not sufficient; and Chuon, Sahar and their daughter were invited to come to the Toronto, to tell their story to a small group of businessmen, who wished to promote the project. The idea was that they become even more evident as inter-cultural ambassadors, and assure everyone that the unions were a good thing.  Chuon remembered his mother's warning not to go to the cities; but decided that if Sahar felt it was safe, he would oblige her. He was invited to speak in a boardroom, in a tower, in Toronto, to cameras.

They flew in a private Leer jet to Toronto. Their eyes were soaking up all there was to see in the city. Sahar sensed that Chuon appeared sad, even though it was not visible. Chuon was gloomy about the extent to which people had focused on building cities and forgotten the environment so completely. With a sense of urgency, Sahar wrapped her long arms around him the best she could, massaging his shoulders and broad back, crooning to him to keep his hope up, invoking a blessing, and not a curse.

"Don't fret, precious! Don't give up now. Show the bravery of your people." Within him, Chuon's heart was swollen with love for his Sahar.

From the airport to the downtown tower, they took a specially outfitted truck to a parking garage. It had been roped off by security, because no unfortunate incidents were wanted. They were met by two security guards, in uniforms, who were genuinely pleased to see them. After exiting the truck, they moved swiftly into the building; but Chuon was too tall to go into the elevator; so the guide/guard called ahead and alerted the people that they would be taking the stairs.

On the floor where the meeting would be, the security guard unlocked the door and escorted them down a carpeted hallway. Chuon carried seven year old Jawara, and was led into a rather narrow, long meeting room, with a long, oval table, around which sat men and women in fine black and navy suits. They ceased their discussions and stood up respectfully. Resplendent in his reddish-gold hair, Chuon went where he would. The guard dropped back. Chuon filled up one end of the room, and could sense the unease of the humans.

With her ultra black skin, and dressed like a model again, in her white and green satin sheath, Sahar accompanied him, searching serenely the dozen or so business people, for any sign of bad spirit. They were given a brief welcome by a woman who introduced herself as a consultant, named Jen. Jen could not conceal her astonishment. Chuon/Raiz began to expostulate, and Sahar translated his demonstration:

"Are you intimidated by me? (chuckles) We're only a few thousand in number, and you number eight billions. We're scattered very thinly throughout the north. You know we have tried to stay out of the way, for a very long time. Now, you know who your neighbors are! We are human too, just a different branch that chose to stay in the wilderness, and keep it as it is. We are asking the Little People, you humans, who is really the most dangerous? Yes! Who is really the most dangerous? We do not have the nuclear weapons that can burn everything with hot poison! You had plenty of time to dis-invent them, and now the full arsenals will probably be used! I think I will take my mate and go back to our cave in the wilderness, if this is what your people decide to do. Don't do it. Stop it now, and come to peace. What the wild people offer to you is a deeper sense of the connectedness of all things, of re-gaining the Balance. Now is the time for unity with all parts of the world, and a strong ban on greed, waste and pollution. The Indigenous peoples should also now be in front, rather than neglected behind."

The cameraman cut, and they chatted among themselves. There was a pause while they considered what he said. Several minutes went by; when Jen raised a hand, and was recognized by Sahar. She asked Chuon:

"Why did people come to think that your people were telepathic, stun prey with ELF, or even disappear and travel in other dimensions. Taking out a camera, Chuon only shrugged, while taking pictures of them, and laughing about it. He filmed himself slowly walking across the room. As he passed the timid, mid-life, mom consultant, he radiated his frequency, and it thrumbed her, to her center of balance. When he looked back at her, she was quite aghast. Then Sahar grabbed his arm and swung around in front of him playfully.

Someone had thoughtfully provided large seating for the great guest, and everyone sat down to discuss their objectives. In discussion with the think-tank, which was also an advertising agency, the CEO mentioned:

"It may become necessary for you to make trips to Russia and China, to assure the allegiances of the same phenomena there. They are eager to meet you in person!"

When the session was finished in Toronto, they flew to Chicago for an American version of the same thing. As the jet was flying over Lake Michigan, , the pilot announced to everyone the Bahá’í Temple below, a striking, bell-shaped structure on Lake Shore Drive. The pilot even tipped the plane for one half of the passengers to obtain an ideal view. Jawara looked out the window and saw the beautiful "Dawning-Place" and never forgot it...

Upon arrival in Vladivostok, Chuon's family were welcomed, and then securely and comfortably transported to an Almasty clans throughout Siberia, and in the Urals. It would require a month to meet them all, but they were committed. Afterwards, it was Beijing, and another month in China...

The Appearance of the "Mother Ship"

One evening, long after returning to BC, Sahar, Chuon, Jawara, and several others, were sitting on the edge of the meadow. Only a few stars had come out. There appeared a bright light, that was different colors. When everyone was alerted to it; they began whispering what it could be. It grew larger and larger, until a buzzing sound could be heard. This was witnessed by everyone. It was like an upside-down platter, with radiant, moving parts. It came to rest in the meadow, and remained still for some time.

"Now I have seen everything!" Sahar murmured, clinging to his shag carpet. He was also in a state of alertness, unsure what was happening.

Then, strange beings appeared and descended to ground level. Among them was his mother Taya! She had been absent for several years, but looked as if she was in her element with the Extra-Terrestrials. Over her shoulder was a sash, with large pockets. She saw Chuon, with Sahar and Jawara, and instantly realized what had happened. She hooted and cried a brief howl. They embraced and cried. What could possibly have transpired during the time she was gone? Chu-on perceived that it was because of her perception that the ETs had welcomed her. She continued to keen, and her keening attracted the ETs. When a fewturned to her to inquire, she "told" them she would remain in her homeland. It had been intended that she would have much to tell her own people; after learning from the ETs.

Then, Taya said to Chuon, "There isn't much time. The super-powers are on the verge of the fiery abyss." Jawara unhesitatingly hurried into the lozenge-shaped craft. The ETs were different, some small, some tall, but all with great almond-shaped black eyes. They seemed to be wearing tight lycra suits the same neutral  color as their skin. They hummed among themselves, and transmitted a sensation of well-being, attempting to soothe any of her fears. Unobtrusively, they took a DNA sample. Taya and Chuon were filled with deep emotion, when he introduced his mate to his mother, and his daughter to her grand-mother. She showed affection to both Sahar and Jawara, who responded in kind to her. This kindness would spread.

"There are other ships," Taya explained. "They expect another exchange of missiles soon. Our friends here hope to neutralize them, if they can."

Chuon was very glad to see his mother. "Come back to Cho-uh. We should be safer together in the woods". That is how Taya returned to Cho-uh.  Chuon and Sahar retreated to the cave. Taya sought out Cho-uh. It was fortuitous that they did, because not all the ICBMs were neutralized by the ETs, and it would be some time before communications were back up again. Afterwards, there would be plenty of work for everyone.

Alliance of Two Peoples

Eventually, Jawara was on her own, but the whole world knew her. She was such a striking continuation of her parents. She was tall and massive like her father, and carpeted with red down, but dark, like her mother. She had the pale tan birth spots across her middle, which seemed to tell a story to some. Her curly hair was kinky auburn. On top of her head, it wanted to grow longer, like humans; but thicker on her neck and shoulders, and forming a hood on the top of her, like a great helmet and foot-ball padded shoulders.

She stayed and helped manage the Project station at Peace River, and spoke to a visiting bus-loads of college students:     

"The opinions are swinging away from Gigantopithicus because other great ape lines were alive at the end of the younger Dryas climactic crisis. They migrated across the land bridge and into northwest America. They became top predator while "civilized" folks were getting empires ready in Europe. There is a spectrum of opinion about us, from fantastic Spirit Beings, that come from UFOs, to dangerous monsters with crushing strength and stinky canines. Both could be valid. My Sasquatch side sees us as outcast hobos that say:  Give me my space! We stayed wild to avoid cruel people, who far outnumbered us. So we mastered hunting in wilderness areas. Now, if members of both sapient strains were willing, they could seal the alliance with more half-breeds, like myself. On my mama's side we were native Africans, in Sudan, herding cattle, among all the other great animals of the world; so I'm an African woman too."

The animal side had been savage for everyone, but the souls could not be ignored, and both giant and smaller people had to get along eventually. It strengthened the Human Race to incorporate Bigfoot people into the general population. After a few thousand years, no one could tell the difference.


This sounds like something the Greys are said to do: erase snippets of our recent sensory input, what we just saw --we didn't see, memory erased to protect themselves.

The English translation of Cho-uh's statement was  "A great beast resting in the serene sunlit alpine meadow, --until they came snooping around. The little goblins! We used our towering altitude to intimidate them. Bothersome little, tidy week-end boys!"


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