Wednesday, August 12, 2020


POETRY by Mark Townsend


Qualities of Clay and Humankind

(For Pottery critique at Tulsa University, Dec. 19th 1975, dedicated to Bernard Leach)


"...then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7)


Over the eons, natural law sifted the silt peacefully,

silently laying down the secret strata.

Steamy primordial seas pressed the colored particles,

unhurriedly preparing for the poetry of pottery.


Gradually, the races arose, their ascent inscrutable

to all but the Omnipotent, Who watches...waiting.

Gnat-like, they make their hectic way; Utopia always ahead.


And when the time arrives, as destined,

the inquisitive fingers form shapes,

wrestling with, and listening to, head and heart.


The time comes when the vessel stands. The object speaks.

It tells of all that went before. It is a measure of all influences,

pressures, loves, forces, intensities.

It innocently displays what was bestowed and done.


Elements of Earth, Air, and Water together,

brought together in holy, subtle synthesis;

and finally, His Fire of tests finishes expectations.


Galvanized; a life to be lived, memories to implant.

And if by chance, the handled thing meets its' end,

death is life changing. It must be.

Concept to concept, dust to dust...


How engrossing the immense Purpose!

How timeless and lovely these shared traits

of Clay and Humankind!

We are vessels.

How shall we be filled before we break?




From no sleep i awoke, was born,

died to the womb in a delivery room bed...

Every night i hibernated, flew from wrath

and fumbled, dreaming in my bed...

Everyday eternities slipped away forever,

lost in the sloth, tumbling easy into bed...

Somewhy we found it, in and out

of the right place, lust in bed...

Might i, rusted, withered, be born at last,

lying somewhere dead, in bed?


Well, it's only me, come to see if you or he feel very free...

While on the run beneath sun , you always shun the truth for fun...

Beneath the skies, with sullen sighs, and glaz'd eyes, and little lies,

You are not happy; are you?



'Twas savage Cabbage , and I jest not.

'Twas he and Lettuce who viciously fought

till Carrot came to referee:

"Stop, my friends!" said Carrot, said he.

"Quit the nonsense, and dine with me."

"Splendid idea!" shouted Pepper.

"Quite, I say," said the usually rude Walnut.

"'Though we've an excellent bout going..." panted Cabbage;

"Let's stop for some compost!" ended Lettuce insanely.

Then, in ran Melon, all sweaty, with a stench,

and began it again, so that all was invanely.



I do believe I see a hippo in that tree,

being very rude and staring straight at me;

as if I never (which I haven't) seen a hippo in his perch.

The only thing I pity is the hippo in his birch


Possibilities of a Wish (1966 This is not "gay.")

Muttering, fluttering, throughout hazy dream,

like a tiny sailboat, atop a bubbling stream.

Envisioned a wee fairy, prancing in her play!

Prancing, dancing, like the wind, on a happy day.

I strove. I peered so very near, to see what she might do;

I ventured closer, to see her better, but a pebble tripped my shoe.

She turned and saw me, flitted away, left me in a trance;

but she peeked back, and then came back, to give me one more chance.

I wished to be a little fairy, so I could dance also,

with flinging arm, and twirling waist, and lightly landing toe.

And of a sudden, I was down beside her, holding her close and tight!

Then, as all fairies come and go, we twinkled out of sight.

Muttering, fluttering, throughout hazy dream,

like a tiny sailboat, atop a bubbling stream.


Escape and Exile

There His body lay in pain, bound in steel, like leather;

the weight of His life, on the throne, was nothing but a feather.

Not His body, but His mind, would leave the dark, dank dungeon;

and then return, to suffer too, when the jailer lunged in.

He thought, somewhat, to escape such an unjust capture;

to be able to run, with feet re-shod, and generate the Rapture!

He yearned to be the Sun! But no windows to look out, no sky;

and He wondered, as He lingered, was His end drawing nigh?

Then, He heard a clumsy sound; the others really feared;

the jailer stopped to choose his key, and looked at Him and leered;

unlocked His stocks and brusquely ordered Him ahead.

"Up to the palace hall you'll sing; maybe you'll be dead!

"Yes, you're free to go! -to go and be the Sun!"

"That's right!" boomed Micha-EL, "our time here is done!"

He took the Word; they freed His bonds; He stumbled to His feet;

"Come!" the jailer commanded, "forget the others. Be fleet!"

Then Court didn't want His song; His neck sore from the chain;

they swore and exiled Him.  O pity! pity the insane.

Back home, her lovely hands showed Him to His bed;

and she wondered how it was that He wasn't dead!

After a month, they left; while others remained in slime,

oblivious and indifferent to conditions or to time.

He did remember Lady Wisdom; who informed one and all!

And the day would come when kings recaptured the hall.



In the dead but radiant silence of space,

i was draped in a robe of lightless lace.

Distance not a question, nor was time;

all that was said was said in pantomime.

No floor to stand on, naught to lean upon;

i stood on darkness, all walls were gone.

It is cold, and quiet, and very black.

When i was there, could i come back?

i could not taste, i could not smile.

My flesh was tossed; i saw the pile.

i could not hear; i could not feel.

My hands refused to hold a meal.

Unthinkingly, i watched the black;

no colors, no light. i was in The Sack.

Nothing to sense. i could not bear!

Nothing, Unknown, was very unfair.

No bacon aroma or friendly call.

Did i exist, and was that all?

But slowly, things did begin to change.

Yes! Gradually, it was not so strange.

i found my long-lost waiting soul;

Just in time! Things began to roll!

i smelled the freshness of the Breeze,

and saw a Glow, and was at ease.

My frozen tongue began to thaw;

opening my mouth, i tried to gnaw.

A sky of blue, a lawn of green!

i saw Eden as never before seen!

Steve, robed in white, came down from the Tree,

approached and smiled, and said: "Come with me."

i found it very easy to follow;

i felt again i was not so hollow.

"Why" i asked "did it ever change,

from the lovely Truth, to the ungodly strange?"

And Steve said "You never were there.

I woke you up. I cared. I cared."

In the Real Realm

If you look closely, you will see

an ugly thing inside of me.

What it is I care not say;

but it is not in there to stay.

This demon has no place in me;

and I insist on being free!

I must fight and cast it out,

no matter how long and mean the bout.

And, there is another thing inside of me,

quite different from the first, you see.

It will not let me sit and rest,

but always finds another test.

Why does it care to bother me,

and make imploring faces?

It jerks me on, till I'm giddy,

with its weary paces.

Ah! the truth is clearer now I see;

and there is a better way to be.

I shall seek that way, I know;

and follow it where e'er I go.

I'll speed away with my true Master

and safely shun a dark disaster.

I'll lose the demon in the dust.

The truthful way I'll keep. I must!



There was a Man...



There was a man today, on first floor;

I had never seen him there before.

'Twas very odd, the way he acted;

he laughed out loud, with face refracted.

And every now and then,

he'd stop and stare at other men,

remove his hat, which was a derby,

and do strange versions of hurdy-gurdy.

Amazed was I when he went away;

he seemed quite solemn, but not dismayed.

He climbed aboard a silly car,

and flew away, very far...

I never saw that man again,

but I'll never forget his funny grin.





(Conceived in 1994, after encountering two English TESOL teachers named John)


There were two men on second floor;

they'd never seen me there before.

They said they'd come to take the oz

from off the end of most our wads.

They robbed us of the little lette',

and said ow wads would be much bette'.

They thought to lose me was not too dea'

And I didn't have that much to fea'

'Twas vedy quee', the way I sawr it;

they'd say an R, but wouldn't drawr it!

Inevitably, I was sent away;

they showed such zeal and no dismay.

I got into my silly ca'

and drove away, vedy fa'

I neve' sawr them any mo'

They shooed me out and shut the do'

I often wonde' how they've fai'd;

but then, I don't see why I ca'ed.



She: "i will be free of thee,

and thy weepy teas, and flee

to a teepee in the trees,

or see the breeze upon the sea;

and on my knees in glee,

seize my Chí, and let it Be."


popPOP Apocalyptic Epoch

(A poem thru Po)


The Divine Appointment kept: Heaven espoused Earth!

Something Impetuous inspired the 1844 telegraph!

A portentuous Purpose was covenanted;

but the Primal Point was missed by most.


I sat beside Potter's Pond, plucking my pomegranate,

with my portfolio of posters, pondering the polywogs.

I dreamed of Poeciliid pools, and the new body-politic.

At our posts pioneers pollinate the potential of podunk.


From Aleppo to Pomona, from Acropolis to Annapolis,

to Poland to Polynesia, the holy polonaise resounds;

indeed, from pole to pole its' tempo quickens all,

and potentates bow politely at their symposium.


Poised for peace, the masses wait, following imposters,

while pompous politicians expound popular polemics,

assuring money pours into their pockets.

They play poker with the portionless poor.


The Polish Pope goes on pilgrimage to portray what?

He doesn't see the Omnipotent Lord of the Age?

Why is it so impossible to stop gestapos from poaching?

How many more pogroms must mar human history?


Apollo impounded, the challenge blown, at its' poignant apogee.

People, police yourselves, and apologize for pot and porn.

Humbly polish your hearts, to reflect Power and Glory,

innocent as poplars poinsettias, porpoises and polar bears.


On Mount Nebo, hobos say by

light that was a bloody color.

Road before them, they intoned a

prayer that lasts a thousand years.



Moon Poem #1

I lay in my bed, my face turned upward toward the night sky, outside my high-set southern window, my back turned from Polaris, my head in Western lands, my feet in Eastern soil, and dead the day of sunlit toil. Window open, shutter wide, the midnight moonlight flooded sadly, coolly in. It drifted shimmering, and wafted glimmering, down into my silent room, where I lay alone in bed.


In that Libran night I tried to sleep,

but quiet peace I could not keep.

Nocturnal sprites about me rose,

and tickled eyes that would not close.

I tossed and jerked with heavy sighs,

and with my hands did hide those eyes.

Then, in my ear, I heard a whisper,

and suddenly the air felt crisper!

Looking up and all around

I saw a silver light abound.

The Moon, in bright waxing gleam,

sent down a dusty, glinting beam.

My anxious frame was sorely fazed,

as at the milky Moon I gazed.

With dual eyes I looked and saw.

with hidden Eye I sensed in awe!

Humble before the sage I lay,

in that shining lunar ray.

Willing ever, stubborn never,

I wished for Wisdom to last forever.

I looked and listened in the night,

to that teacher, round and bright.

I sighed and let the wisdom in-

just for me, and yet all men.

On that eerie light I dined,

served by the misty, majestic Mind.

At the peak of my surprise,

I felt a tug upon my eyes.

They swelled and peered,

and stared and neared,

and could not leave that cratered face.

I sensed a fragment of that grace.

In the light, originally from Sol,

emanating, and holding all;

My yearning was for such a peace

that would only spread, and never cease.


The Moon spoke:


"The Power that began all shall sustain all,

and is that to which all must return.

It is Unknowable;

but from it comes movement and stillness;

from it comes this and that;

from it comes then and now.

It is you and I, both them and us, yet

neither you nor I, nor them, nor us,

but all of us and more.

There is not anything outside of it.

There is not anything within it.

It is within and without all

It is Omnipresent.

It is Omniscient.

It is Omnipotent.

It is Omnitemporal,

and Om forever and forever.

It is the precious Mystery.

It is the one Truth."


Then the Moon spoke no more,

but moved on through the sky.



Moon Poem #2


How fair the Moon, that noble globe!

I watch a solemn and perplexing face;

does it behold me in return?
What does it see? Why is it strange?

Is it the pearly paling, waxing, waning

of moods contrary, that I hold so dear?

Or is it blindness that I suffer,

and the truth of it I cannot see?

O, Spirit Divine, forgive me,

for impressions fantastic, anthropomorphic.

Let me see clearly, what it is merely.

Then, I shall praise it, and gaze in awe at it.

Verily, it is a sign of your magnificence,

your loving, shining timelessness.


Moon Poem #3

BE LIKE THE MOON 1969 My favorite.

Look up beyond the heads of men,

Into the night! Black sky above!

Into the pale, soft face of love!


Be like the Moon; outshine the stars,

Guiltless, smiling face of scars.

Arise humanity, and explore creation!

But first you must build a lunar station!


In unstirred silence, quietude,

Serene composure, gentle mood,

Be like the Moon, whose light is cool,

Sweetly glowing distant jewel.


Behind a cloud, or hid at day,

I thought that Luna’d lost her way;

But ‘tis me got lost below the clouds;

From Terra come monthly shadow shrouds.


No, the Moon-like Man will never stray,

…even when we’re turned away.

Splendid orb from silver crescent,

Darkness mending, ever-present.


Who lifts the lovers’ eyes from pride?

Day in, day out, who turns the tide?

When has the Moon e’er shouted back?

What is there calm assurance lacks?


So, when your little quarrel dies,

Look humbly up nocturnal skies.

Whisper vows of peace, and smile too;

For there is nothing that can rile you.


Be like the Moon and sit quite still,

Subject to the Divine Will.

When sadness comes and lights are small,

Be like the Moon, and smile on all.


a haiku

Yellow aspen leaves
wing their way
in the urgent, chill
and willful wind.



We have said it.

We have said we love each other:

You love me and I love you.

The words echo hauntingly about...

But I am frightened because

the wealth that was intended to fill

not my pockets, but my heart,,

is mostly in the sacred coffers still.

O, that I might be fine and true,

as the tug within the breasts of geese

is fine and true; love would lure me

to my southland, silently, steadily,

year after year...

We have said we love each other:

You love me and I love you.

The words sink electrically into me.

But I seem to insist on guzzling

the wonderful waters,

waters meant for everyone,

waters that only sour into poison

from sweet nectar,

when they are  held too long unused,

waters that must flow onward,

in ever-widening waves,

quenching the peoples' thirsts,

waters that have their fount beginning

and their final aim, in the Well of Love.

We have said we love each other:

You love me and I love you.

The words fly out, turn, await me...

We have fondly uttered holy words,

and nearly stumble beneath their weight.

Ii glance from side to side and see

the whole Life System throbbing

in warm anticipation

and justified expectation for me,

for you have said I love you,

and I have said I love you...

SO let us hurl ourselves

over the roaring cataract,

and gush out like streams,

thoughts calm, understanding actions,

patient words of kindness.

Our hearts will glow with proof,

the noble wealth of giving, forgiving,

for we have said we love each other...

I repeat it over to myself amazed.

Upon the Sea

When sailing out upon the sea,

I thought deep of you and me...

And when I looked up at the sky,

I heaved a very heavy sigh.


When pulling on the tossing boil,

busily engaged in sweaty toil,

I knew that land did hold a heart,

that seemed to tear me, part by part.


When sails were tugging me around,

I put away all thought of ground...

and let the tide drag me away,

and let it float me where it may.


If gentler motives'd entered you,

I'd've swept you up and taken you;

we'd sail away on seas of blue,

and surely found the sacred clue.


Somehow Sunday stayed in the town.

Somewhere water flowed turbid brown.

Someone sighed down in the nest;

and I can only feel the rest.


A gentle move she cannot see.

She seems to relish the pain in me.

She knows no care or kindness warm;

and seems to revel in my storm.


Perhaps the object of her desire

will smother her in hotter fire.

I sigh and watch her glitter glow;

then sadly homeward, alone I go.


Drowned was I in passion's pond;

for of a tigress I was fond.

A wild thing with a fiery heart;

no shred of gravity can I impart.



Like two streams, the lovers merge;

They do not strive, and so are firm.

Like two swans that swim the streams,

The lovers glide, shoulder to shoulder.

Like trees at Dawn, that hug the banks,

The lovers follow the light of life together.

Like the canyon walls that cradle the streams,

The lovers sit, and gaze, and smile at each other.

Like two eyes in one head,

The lovers focus on one purpose.

From separate springs far up the mountain,

The streams flow forth, till, as a single river,

They journey to the sea.


Wolverine's Speech

"Out of savage animosity, and relentless curiosity,

I follow the spoor of a rabbit.

Creeping thru the snow, having no friend or foe,

I will catch up, as is my habit.

Inexorably do I gain; and I'll inflict such pain!

I see the little rabbit nicely trapped.

Terribly I spring! The tender neck I bring!

Warm is the rodent blood I've lapped.

I have heard of gentler fold; but ever since my yolk,

I was destined to be a killer.

You must have me in the Plan, with bird and fish and man,

giver, taker, reaper, and tiller.

Existence on this plane can often be a pain;

but thru the rolling of the worlds, a souls true worth unfurls.

Be you wolverine or snake, your destiny will not shake;

you must be what you must be, and face tomorrow.

Pull down the crone from off her throne,

proclaim her reign is over!

Throw her bones upon the stones,

below the cliffs of Dover.


OwlaProwl's  Speech

(flutter flutter)

"I perch upon this branch, with these, my talons.

I regard the squirrel-cage of human activity."

(peering beneath every bush)

"I search for furry mammals that scurry forth

on their compulsive errands. They'll be my meals."

(eyes gleaming golden)

"This raptor is large and hungry.

I survey the path with eyes like head-lights!"

(swoosh! Talons expertly clutch rodenta.

Feathers ruffle, wings fold back, down drifts away)

"With this curv'ed beak, like a scimitar,

I will now rip what ripe meat there is to eat."

(snik crack, peck gulp)


Gabby and Hound

(Composed at TFA, Portland, OR, 1995-7)

Gabby the Clown came into town

with his hound, that sniffed around.

Zounds! What that Clown must've found!

They strung him up; then cut him down.

Wound up, the hound ran round the town,

which tired of his mournful sound;

and when he bounded from the pound,

they found him floundering upon the mound

of his late master, Gabby the Clown,

whom they had lowered down in the ground.

Then, Gabby's hound, with wet eyes brown,

limped out of town, without his Clown,

...without a sound.


In the Giant, Gentle Hand

you and others made me crabby.

By some great and quiet Plan,

I'm what I am, and you were Gabby.

By some ever awesome processes,

things evolve from start to finish;

who am I to see what crosses,

and what falls down to diminish?

We think they'll make the morrow better;

we're sure we won't be flabby!

But my tomorrow's up to me;

and yours? Where are you Gabby?

You were everything; yet you were not.

You felt the cold as well as the hot.

You loved the Blacks and the Whites;

You tried to give everyone their rights.

You made me happy along the way;

You quickly took away dismay.

You saw all the weak and all the strong;

and to you, each did belong.


Love at Last, to Last?

Once was a void, deepening black

lacking interest, empty and slack.

Then, came a spark beginning hope,

and we were bound, like a rope.


Marko loved Nancy; was it certain?

together inside, behind the curtain.

From her he could not refrain;

and absence was only another pain.


They dreamed of the moment

when, finally, they'd kiss;

and perhaps keep living

in continual bliss.


He always crafted thoughts alone,

in secret, to himself;

thinking all alone at home,

like dusty books upon the shelf.


He felt outside his crusty coat,

there might be love, perhaps.

But, surrounded by his moat,

in reverie he would lapse.


To certain ones, he did try

to let ideas flow;

but soon, in failure, he would sigh,

and sadly home he'd go.


Desperately, he got surprised,

found love online, not near.

She became the goal of his eyes;

and seemed to smile sincere.


She, like him, was incomplete,

impatient for a start;

irked to watch her stud compete

for love below the heart.


Urgently, just those two,

they began to share;

searching for the other

in the private chatroom lair.

They learned quite well what was meant

and caught the little pauses.

As they talked, gaining hints

what could be the causes


that made him take on solitude

trying lazily to share,

when his body wanted nude,

and touchings, hair to hair.


What made her housekeep only

feeling something inside dead;

often humiliated and lonely,

and familiar with dread.


So they opened, so they shared,

each others' brightness they did see;

then they were not all alone;

he had her; he has me!


Green eyes fixedly beheld him.


From the charred and blackened deadness

of the burned forests' floor,

tiny flowers appeared...

until another fire came, scorching dry debris

 and ravaged all again.




Lovely Lady


"No need to fear me."

she hears him sing;

"so come roost near me

What did you bring?"


Let me hear your song;

no one else may listen.

And let me please, gaze long,

as your blue eyes glisten.


I dreamed a dream

that you were here;

and now you seem

to be drawing near.


I had to wander drearily,

waiting for a swan;

then, you descended wearily,

and hovered on my lawn.


I desired a still place

for thee, with  tired wings;

at last, a nice and kindly face,

unburdening previous things.


Now, we have some shade,

preserved in Cotacachi;

how nice a nest you've made,

near the city park, with me.


Like two streams,

the lovers merge;

they do not strive

and so are firm.


Like two swans

that swim the streams;

the lovers glide

shoulder to shoulder.


Like trees at dawn,

that hug the banks,

the lovers follow

the Light of Life together.


Like canyon walls

that cradle the stream;

the lovers sit, and gaze,

and smile at each other.


Like two eyes

in one head,

the lovers focus

on one purpose.

From separate springs

the streams flow forth,

till, as a single river,

they journey to the Sea.


O you Precious! pretty and sweet!

Petting you is such a treat!

I'm deeply grateful to you;

and you make me want more too,

when you leave me with a kiss,

imagining everything I miss.


O my Love, silky and soft!

Your love makes me soar aloft!

You kept me back from the brink;

and since then, all I do is think.

I cherish everything about you;

and refuse to be without you.

O look at us, on our way!

We grow closer every day!

I love you lady; don't you hear?

God has blessed us, please don't fear.

I surrendered; and I trust you;

so trust me when I say: Just you!

I love your delicate ears, hidden in your hair,

and your big tears, when your man's not there.

I love you from your sensitive nose

right down to your pretty white toes!

I love you for your vibrant laugh,

and your shapely curled up calf.

I love your sensuous lips and rounded hips,

your big, green eyes, and welcome thighs!

I love to kiss each lovely breast,

and use them for a soft head-rest.

I love your cute butt, and even your gut;

you make me feel it's time to rut!

I love everything about you, even your eggs;

though I can't have them, between your legs.

This poem was about your every part;

but what I loved best is your tender heart.

Happy the Children Go

Laughing, holding hands,

skipping across a lush, green meadow,

the children go, in a wonderful, timeless springtime.

Green cloaked mountains standing all around,

rushing streams gurgling

in and out and about the carv'ed rocks.

The sky is bright and blue and cloudless.

The salamanders are not afraid of the children.

The children inhale deeply the crisp, clean air,

full of happiness, and the songs of many birds.

Never will they tire of the clearness.

Now, the little cluster runs fitfully, they leap

and tumble and whirl dizzily in the sir,

laughing and chattering as one.

Glistening hair, bobbing and streaming,

brightly printed garb, flashing varied faces,

scarves tied and flying from young necks.

Charging up the hill, round and green,

they stop and pant, discussing this and that.

Lying on the grass, chewing a blackberry, kissing.

Eagle eyes the fellowship from far above.

On their backs, the children dream of soaring high,

competing with the king of birds, in flight.

Babbling and playing, living and loving,

the children are in the meadow.

All is quiet for an hour. Then, a burst of laughter,

and the children run away like phantoms.




Camp Myrtlewood, Oregon


Tucked into tall-timbered hills, where,

around an open meadow,

the children laughed and played.

The humble cabins stood and stared.

Behind them, in a ferny ravine,

the silent stream flowed at a steady pace;

its water shallow and clear;

it tasted cool and sweet.

A mass of dark, grey stone, cradling the stream,

which had sculpted it over time,

into enticing shapes and curves.

Brown salamanders, with orange bellies,

dawdled lazily, waiting to be caught

by the children, who stored them

in the bowl-shaped depressions time had made.

Reddish crawdads lurked and scattered

from inexpert attempts to catch them.

They glared with their bulbous eyes.

Delicate water spiders danced above darting fishlets,

small and bright as dimes.

The cloudless sky arched brilliant;

the tall trees stood sentient and still.

The black crow's croaking caused the children to look up;

but with gentle insistence,

the gleaming stream re-captured their attention.

They continued their expedition,

stalking the creatures in the stream.

The resplendent sun descended,

sending streaks of mauve and pink

through the boughs, to color the lovely water,

running past the barefoot boys,

who blushed just like shy, young girls...

past the patiently patterned stone,

lower into the valley, to the pacific, at Coos Bay.

I shall not soon forget the tender beauty of the stream,

and the pleasure that we found there,

when such secrets were revealed to me.




The sun shone during the late rain

and a wolf was born in the mountains.

Sitting, waiting, in the car,

it began to rain believers from the sky!

And us, still encompassed with gray!

Some droplets settled on the glass,

appearing by His power.

More believers came down, here and there,

faster and faster, closer and closer.

The more that lit, the heavier became

the earlier drops, until they surged

and trickled into one another,

forming rivulets down the glass...

Soon the weight of the believers

made a single, sinking surface.

The more instructive torrent,

the more flomentum on the glass.

The wolf, fairly named,

retreated into the wilderness.


Squabs (1971)

Squabs about to fly

from their niche beneath the roof...

Why are humans self-bound,

stubborn and aloof?

When will the humans,

riding on their mirth,

feel the truth, and soaring upwards,

be submissive as the earth?

In skies of spirit they may fly,

while walking in the lands;

but they barter precious time,

and star down at their hands.


The Water Ships (Published in a college anthology, 1972)

The water ships bloom

shiny and bulbous white on top.

Underneath they make

a smooth and shady ceiling.

The water ships, like great, ghostly snails,

crawl, slowly, unhurriedly,

in silent fleets,

carrying drinks to thirsty roots and mouths.


the oldman mightbeme


Thou art the warm breeze rushing thru my trees!

Me, a raptured fish swimming Thy seas!

I saw an oldman in wrinkled yellow khaki

walking stiffly past a sandstone wall, alone...

She is the velvet one with shining eyes,

the smoothly moving one, with soft, warm thighs...

But, I heard thunder easily pounding sound down,

shuddering humble homes.

She was the sweet voiced, sweet kissing one,

the armful I'm missing...

But I see the jagged lightning, rushing unexpected;

startled man, hectic wires popping,

teeth on edge, screech, fingernails blackboard!

But Thou art the eye-catcher, haven homeland calling.


Azimov, Sagan and Hawking,

all summoned to The King.

Sagan, Hawking and Azimov

Were Below, but now Above!

Hawking, Azimov and Sagan

no longer want to be pagan.



With summer clearly turned and gone,

and Autumn heavily coming on,

I took a walk one hallowed eve,

white snow so easy to conceive.


In that early, hazy night,

grey clouds low, a true twilight,

I went to adjacent lot unplowed,

sauntered huddled, meekly bowed.

In windy gusts and frost so sober,

I sank into scorpion October.


On that little field I tread,

hither, thither, magically led.

And at the point of bleakest mist,

like a laughing, brown-eyed cyst,

grew one sunflower, small and sturdy,

like a gypsy hurdy-gurdy.

In the midst of sternest strife,

it bobbed and hummed its' little life.

Wee leaves firm, with modest breath,

it clutched the earth and awaited death.


In that whistling, blustery eve,

I found that good shrine hard to leave;

in that frigid, ghoulish dusk,

I smiled, knowing, at the sky;

I bayed and prayed and slowly came

to new emotions, private shame.

Despite all pain, all hate and woe,

Spring shall have her turn; 'tis so!

For Death is but a Door anew,

for plant, and hill, for me and you.


Agape el-Abhá

Crowds of people! Please slow down!

Listen to the sweet, new sound.

Remember smiles, and do not frown,

before the melody of Agape.

If your conscience pleads and asks

why your ego keeps those masks;

and, in its' own light it basks,

then you've missed Agape.

If you've misplaced all your loves,

and when you handle gentle doves,

your hands don heavy, iron gloves,

you've overlooked Agape.

There are some who left the slot,

who cared, aware, and dared a lot!

In the jaws of self they were not caught;

for they found Agape.

Few, O few, around here care;

fewer yet would ever dare;

and next to none become aware

of the Glory of el-Abhá.

Lert the nations come and see

Carmel mountain, by the sea,

Let the children come and be

the harvest of el-Abhá.

It is for all who come to pass,

every lad and every lass;

and someday the entire Mass

will celebrate el-Abhá!

"Touch the people, Lord," he sighed.

"Stir them up, where e'er they hide!

Draw them out from every side,

with the blast call of el-Abhá!"




















Vee People






Vivacious Virginity Vouchsafed




























Verification Vindication Vivification


































achy breaky



beanie weenie

bed head


bitchin kitchen

bloaty floaty

boob tube




brain drain

breasty nesty


Chilly Willy

Crazy days



dead heads


Dirty Thirties


ding dong

dome home

drama trauma

droopy drip drop


fender bender





flotsam & jetsam

fluff muffin



fuzzy buzzy

gal pal


gringo lingo

groggy doggy

handy pandy



heap o’ sheep

hearty starty

heaty feety


Hell's bell's



hill billy






hubba hubba


huffin ‘n' puff


hump a rump

hunk o’ junk

hunky monkey



itchy & scratchy


licky sticky



litter clutter


lay in the hay

maybe baby

meals on wheels


Miss Priss

muckety muck

mumbo jumbo



palsy walsy

pell mell


pish posh

pitter patter

pop a top

quasi nausi



real deal


rolly pollies

rope a dope

run a round

shilly shally

shy guy

sing song

sizzle fizzled

slippery slop

snack pack

sneaky snake

sneak a peek

snicker snack

sniffin’ snuff

spiffy stuff

stiff  enuff


stinkin’ thinkin’

stabby grabby

stranger danger

study buddy

swervy curvy

teen scene

Tex Mex


trolley dollies

tutti fruiti


Wavy Gravy


whirl a girl

wild child





yabba dabba doo


Zig Zag

Zoot suit





















































HYMN to HIM, Lord of the Messianic Messengers

All, O Alláh, All! Allow all into Thy hallowed halls! Thou art our Aim, the Abhá Abba (All-Glorious Father), the Able, the Absolute, the Absolver.         Thou art the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Bountiful, the All-Possessing, the All-Sufficing, the All-Seeing, the All-Hearing, the All-Compelling, the All-Loving, the All-Merciful, the Assister, the August.        We bow the brow to the Benevolent Beloved, the Best Bestower of boundless bounty, the Blessed Beauty, the Benign Being, the Causer of causes, the Compassionate Companion, the Consummate Consciousness, the Continuous Creator, the Changeless Champion, the Convener, the Covenentor, the Divine Designer, the Decider of the deeds of the dead, the Destination of the destitute, the Eternal Entity, the Edifying Educator, the Eloquent, the Engenderer of all energies, the Ever-Abiding, Ever-Giving, Ever-Bestowing, the Flawless Law-Giver, the Forgiver Forever, Great GOD!

The Guide to all good, the Gracious, the Generous, the Goal of All Souls, the Holy Healer of the holism, the Humorist, the Infallible, the Ineffable, the Inviolable, the Invaluable, the Invincible, the Invisible, the Incomparable, the Inaccessible, the Inscrutable, the Indestructible, the Independent,  the Infinite Intelligence, the Just Judge, the Kind King of all things, the lauded Lord and Leader, the Ever-Living, Life-Giving, Life-Maker, Life-Taker, the Manifest, the Munificent, the Mainstay, the Master of every fervent servant, the Luminous, Magnanimous, Numinous in us!

The Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnitemporal Origin of Om, the One Oracle we will all obey, the Primordial Primary, the Pure  and perfect Power, the Potent, the Patient, the Peerless Possessor, the Provider, Promoter, Protector, --but Procreator? 

O Thou the Quintessential Quickener and Quencher! Our Ruler to rely on, in the Real Realm, for all Realization, Resurrection, Renewal, Revival, Repentance, Redemption, Regeneration, Return, Revelation, Rap-ture, Radiance, Reward Reunion, and the Rizván Reckoning! Thou art the Sacred Source of the Force, the Self-Subsisting! May we submit to the Sublimity of Thy Superior Spirit, the Supreme Sinlessness, the Sanctified Savior, the trustworthy True One, the Tender, on the Throne of Transcendent Totality!

Thou art the Uncreated, the Unborn, the Undying, the Unbounded,  the Unseen, the Unmatched, the Unchallengeable, the Unassailable, the Underestimated, the Undefeated, the Unsurpassed, the Unimpeded, the Untrammeled, the Unimaginable, the Unattainable, the Unperturbed, the Unrestricted, the Unconditioned, the Unconstrained, the Unsearchable, the Unearthly, the Unalterable, the Unequalled, the Unrestricted, the Uncorrected, the Undeterred, the Unhindered, the Unlimited, the Undivided, the Unceasing, the Untutored, the Unmoved, the Unknowable Essence, the Unifying Unicity! Thou art the Voicer of Virtuous Verses, Worthy of Worship, the Wielder of Will over the whirling worlds, the Exalted Apex and Axis of all Existence, O Thou Who art Háhút, YAHUAH YA HU! and Zealous for Zion!

























At Bahji


Like a heart, at Bahji, the path goes in

And pathways are leading out;

And we came and went, at will,

By straight radiating routes.


And when you’ve found the Path

That quickly Homeward leads,

Then get on it, and stay on it,

And let it guide your deeds.


Perhaps we’ll meet beneath the Tree,

Unshod our feet beside the sea.

We’ll take long walks on shining days,

And have strange talks, and say our says.


The wind and rain do please my heart,

With the beauty of their part.


Mothers and children: Micha-EL’s calling,

And wants to stop your hearts from falling.

Hear Wisdom whisper all year long,

And sing the lyrics of her Song!


When seasons turn and touch your ears

With calls of Home and tenderness,

Answer swiftly, surely, simply;

And start the journey Home to rest.


All thought of family feuds is past.

The Blessed Peace is here at last.

Take good old dreams and begin to mend;

And follow them on, to the End.




A Prayer for Gaia Earth

How Life flourishes abundantly! Everywhere expressed, both tenaciously and tenuously! Praised be God, the Ever-Living, Life-Giving, Life-Maker, Life-Taker! O God! Assist us to nurture and protect Life! Let peace and justice and unity reign.

Please Lord, let Thy Balance and good-pleasure again be re-asserted in the world! Please Lord, let Thy Balance and good-pleasure again be re-asserted in the world!

Fill our beautiful planet with unending freshness again: birds singing, clouds gathering, sun rising, ferns proliferating, streams forever rushing pure and free, tides forever advancing and receding, trees silently growing, their leaves tenderly spreading, old-growth groves rising like cathedral columns, in danger of no saws or fires, fish and animals in their state of balance, humanity humble, not haughty.

Please Lord, let Thy Balance and good-pleasure again be re-asserted in the world! Please Lord, let Thy Balance and good-pleasure again be re-asserted in the world!


Confine the cities to their places, and allow them not to destroy the lovely Gaia Earth. Raise up strong guardians of the unspoiled places. Let there be harmony between the country and the cities. Let there be harmony between the bodies and souls. Allow all into Thy hallowed halls. All, O Allah, all! Allow all into Thy halls!

Please Lord, let Thy Balance and good-pleasure again be re-asserted in the world! Please Lord, let Thy Balance and good-pleasure again be re-asserted in the world!

Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor. Permit our children to pass through the ancient forests, in peace and honor.




What secret things did the Greatest Name hear from the Nameless One?

What wonders He revealed to us, revolutionizing our entire world!

Imagine  what the Tongue of Might utters "in His All-Glorious Abode"!

What private words transpired between The Manifestation and the Master?

Imagine the Manifestation whispering inspiration in your ear,  and your reply!

Did He tell Aqa that He would have to endure His own brother, as His Father did?

Did the Master eagerly consent, and sigh at the feet of the Lord of all Mankind?

So majestically He paced in California, after being released from the prison city!

How inevitably that Moon rose,  reflecting the Sun, to the people of night!








 Words to Ward, Mark Townsend, 29 June, 2020


Why are we wired for war and weary with worry?

Our King's aching echoes in Akka!

Akka echoes our King's aching!

No contention is contentment.

Balance your parlance.

Keep calm in calamity.

Commit to community.

Center in Serenity.

Submit to Sublimity.

To suffice, sacrifice.

Don’t cuss! Discuss!

Don’t insult! Consult!

Don’t argue! Agree!

Don’t complain! Come plan!

Don't lie to God. Rely upon God.

Don’t object to God. Be subject to God.

Dismiss God to your own demise.

Dare not abhor the Abhá Order.

Adore, subordinate, without a border.

Seek no sex at all except in nuptials.

Be abstinent, not obstinate.

Be devoted to the creatures,

but de-tached from their features.

Know humility, not humiliation!

From devotion, let there be no deviation!

Arise humanity, and explore creation!

But first, you must build a lunar station!

Stop staring at the stars and start to steer to them.                                   Eternal Light and Infernal Fire are both internal.

Whither goest thy wandering ghost,

when it leaveth its wan and withering host?